Withdraw USDC from Aave but missing

Please help review the following wallet – after withdraw of USDC from Aave 30 minutes later I see a transaction approve spending against the USDC and the amount being transferred out. I'm assuming my wallet is compromised in some way? Any feedback appreciated. Actively removing all spending using revoke.cash

Withdraw – https://polygonscan.com/tx/0xd8fc421d70bd14d4ed763cdbc00b32c1510ac2cb4a2185e1c9e890340b45db90

Approve spending – https://polygonscan.com/tx/0xfb65a6277645d9e79abfd59f435f00edb4985520d72c8aee682c37320bb287f3

The transfer in question – https://polygonscan.com/tx/0x91990a2491efce482faef8bb9d3664d72f2299eb21b6f0650782d5fc170f0078

1 thought on “Withdraw USDC from Aave but missing”

    1. For your current situation, reach out to MetaMask Support so they can look into this. You can contact MetaMask support at   https://support.metamask.io/hc/en-us and click the blue Start a Conversation button. A bot will try to help you initially, but you will get connected to support. MetaMask will never DM you support on Reddit. Be careful of scammers. You can verify these links in the flair and rules of this sub. If you are still worried about links, you can access support through your MetaMask wallet too. Go to drop down menu > support, then follow above about the bot.
    2. Don’t trust any “I can help you” DMs. Also, in the future would suggest do not share your wallet address or txIDs on socials. Yes, it is public info but now scammers know your social identity tied to your assets.

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