WINNERS of the GIFS 4 MOONS Contest Sequel! Top 10 best MOON meme gifs wins 250 MOONS each, as voted by the community!

WINNERS of the GIFS 4 MOONS Contest Sequel! Top 10 best MOON meme gifs wins 250 MOONS each, as voted by the community!

Original announcement:

GIFS 4 MOONS Contest Sequel! Top 10 best MOON meme gifs will win from a total pool of 2,500 MOONS, as voted by the community!
by u/mvea in CryptoCurrency

I’m pleased to announce the WINNERS of the GIFS 4 MOONS Contest Sequel!

There were over 150 amazing entries. You can see the rest of the entries in the entry and voting thread here:

by u/mvea in CryptoCurrencyMoons

NOTE: Reddit automatically converts GIFS to MP4s when you upload them in comments – don’t ask me why.

The Top 10 WINNERS, each winning 250 MOONS, are:

  1. u/IlIlllIIllllIIlI

  1. u/staffell

  1. u/kirtash93

  1. u/Daviiide

  1. u/PrimeEXE

  1. u/fan_of_hakiksexydays

  1. u/po1919

  1. u/steavus

  1. u/GStarRaww

  1. u/Positive-Gazelle2603

Congratulations to all the winners!

Your MOONS will be distributed in the next 24 hours.

Let me know if you have ideas for more MOONS contests!

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50 thoughts on “WINNERS of the GIFS 4 MOONS Contest Sequel! Top 10 best MOON meme gifs wins 250 MOONS each, as voted by the community!”

  1. Thanks for voting guys! Some really great GIFs on show and trilled mine can be also be added to this list!

  2. These all look like they were done on MSPaint by 11yo’s….

    Oh wait…..

  3. Congrats everyone, I didn’t even try to participate knowing that my untalented ass wasn’t getting anything 💀

  4. Ive got to ask you: Why does reddit automatically convert gifs to mp4? Its strange.

  5. Congratulations everyone!

    I didn’t even know this was a thing. Only on here 20 hours a day. Gotta get on 24 hours a day. 🙂

  6. Man I feel like Iiiiiiiiiiiii wins every one of these. I just like seeing what the community comes up with.

  7. >Let me know if you have ideas for more MOONS contests!

    u/mvea What if we had a contest for wiki entries/guides? There will be a new topic every time, like “PoS” or “how to use DeFi” and the best one will be added to our wiki and win moons. There is no good wiki out there and we could do it, we have the manpower and the knowledge.

  8. Congratulations everyone and well done, loved making the gif’s. Only managed to get 4 upvotes myself but it was great fun either way!

  9. Cool stuff, I must of completely missed it 😂 I would of thrown in something as well, maybe next time !

  10. The Gollum one moon to rule them all made me literally laugh out loud. Well done everyone!

  11. So happy, this brightens my day! Congratulations to all winners, and thanks again Mvea for holding these contests.

    Another fun (creative) contest would be to make the next Place templates, to be ready for next year!

  12. next up:
    a moon trading contest. the first 50 community members with the most trading volume win.

    (im just trying to pump the liquidity and trade volume).

  13. Will there be another gif contest at some point?

    Congrats to all the winners!

  14. Congrats to everybody! I can’t wait to use some of these in real life! Really nice work!

  15. Gz. I made the Friends rock, paper, scissors gif, and I gave Ross Solana because “they were on a break” and Solana takes breaks, I don’t think anyone got that though lol.

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