Why ApeX should be on the top of your DeFi watchlist

So Cryptowiser just put out an article that goes deep into the $APEX token and why it may be severely underrated in the current market conditions. Here is a quick breakdown:

  • Market potential: DEXs are gaining traction due to security concerns with centralized exchanges (CEXs). The perpetuals market, where ApeX Pro focuses, is also on the rise.

  • Competition: ApeX Pro is a competitor to dYdX, another DEX leader. However, ApeX Pro has a lower market cap and has grown faster in the last year.

  • Tokenomics: Similar to dYdX, APEX has a limited supply and offers staking rewards. ApeX is taking steps to manage an upcoming token unlock to avoid price drops.

What are your thoughts on this?

Coingecko listing – https://www.coingecko.com/en/coins/apex-token

3 thoughts on “Why ApeX should be on the top of your DeFi watchlist”

  1. It definitely doesn’t get enough credit. Both the Dex and Perpetuals are so much better than what we are used to in DeFi.

  2. They do have a great product and they made good use of StarkEx tech IMO. Just saw on their website that they facilitated close to 50M trades. That would cost a fortune in gas on any other chain lol.

  3. I like what I have been able to see here regarding this one, it’s worth a closer look tbh. Might be a good addition to my fet, fun, ocean and rsr bags ahead of the coming bullrun

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