Where’s the passphrase (hidden wallet) is stored? What can I expect if my seed is compromised.

By example:

  • I create a hidden wallet (I set the passphrase of course).
  • For some reason somebody steal my SEED but NOT my trezor device.
  • The thieve still need the passphrase, right?
  • The thieve with just the SEED can try a Brutal Force to guess the Passphrase? even if he don't have the device?
    So the passphrase is stored with the SEED in the blockchain or anywhere… outside the trezor device, right?

some from the docs: https://trezor.io/learn/a/passphrases-and-hidden-wallets

As part of the initialization process, your Trezor device generates a random number which is converted into a recovery seed and stored in the memory. Your Trezor uses this string of standard English words to generate your private keys, serving as a kind of 'master access key'  for unlocking access to your Bitcoin funds.

In the memory of what?

I'm still confused where's the passphrase is stored and in case my seed is stolen, what I can expect from the thive? he can guess my passphrase?

I know, in the case of a stolen seed I need move the founds quickly etc but curious about the passphrase works.


5 thoughts on “Where’s the passphrase (hidden wallet) is stored? What can I expect if my seed is compromised.”

  1. Please bear in mind that no one from the Trezor team would send you a private message first.
    If you want to discuss a sensitive issue, we suggest contacting our Support team via the Troubleshooter: https://trezor.io/support/

    No one from the Trezor team (Reddit mods, Support agents, etc) would ever ask for your recovery seed!
    Beware of scams and phishings: https://blog.trezor.io/recognize-and-avoid-phishing-ef0948698aec

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  2. If you lose your device / or it stops working, and use your seed to recover to a new wallet.

    How would you recover your passphrase protected hidden wallet address?

  3. First, the “passphrase” you are referring to is not really a passphrase. It is additional data used along with the seed phrase in order to generate your private keys.


    >I’m still confused where’s the passphrase is stored

    The wallet does not store the “passphrase”. It does not and cannot verify that the “passphrase” that you entered is correct.

    In contrast, some wallets such as Bitcoin Core do have a passphrase that is used to encrypt/decrypt the wallet’s data.


    >The thieve still need the passphrase, right? The thieve with just the SEED can try a Brutal Force to guess the Passphrase? even if he don’t have the device?

    Yes. You should select a strong passphrase that is difficult to guess.

  4. You can think of your seed phrase as a really big number and your passphrase as another number (small or big depending on how complex it is).

    Trezor or any other wallet make a math operation using those 2 numbers to calculate your private key. Anyone with that result can spend your coins because that “operation” is standard.

    So your Trezor device is not required if somebody gets your seed phrase and brute forces your passphrase. You may be safe only if your passphrase is extremely complex and therefore impossible to brute force

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