What Ultimately Drives Big Bull Runs?

I've been around this community for a while and have heard people bash FOMO (Fear of Missing Out) as a big no-no. And…I get it.

It's never a good idea to invest emotionally. I entered into this game at the tail end of the last bull run. Didn't buy on the tippy top, but still nevertheless haven't made back my $. It's not a ton (below $50k), but I still am waiting for an exit strategy.

This all got me thinking about what really causes bull runs. Isn't FOMO actually a factor for it? When your next door neighbor starts envying your bags and wants to get in the game? Not necessarily a bad thing FOR US, right?

I also understand how the bane of the Tulip and the MBS bubble rears its ugly head. Soon as a FOMO spike starts coming, it's time for me to DCA out partially. (I'm over 50 and want to redistribute some to my less risky investments and keep only BTC.)

TLDR; FOMO doesn't have to be a bad thing. Right? Depends on which side of it you're on. Also, is FOMO a necessity for a bull run, or does it come about organically? I really wanna know. Thanks!


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47 thoughts on “What Ultimately Drives Big Bull Runs?”

  1. In short, the Bitcoin halvings. The next one is in April. They happen every 4 years.

  2. U learned about FOMO last round so it won’t burn you twice hopefully.

    You should’ve DCAd down though you’d be in huge green, especially when BTC was 15k and ETH was 900ish 🤯

  3. I’m not an expert, in fact I’m kind of a dummy. But it seems to me FOMO and hype are a big part of a bull run.

    Like yes there is the halving, but how much of the price increase is from the supply crunch vs the expectation of price increase? And when does the actual supply crunch itself affect price? Not immediately i would think. I would have said 4 years ago that the more media and exposure, the bigger the bull run. But I don’t think last bull run wa very big percentage wise. So i dunno. I just know when the guys at work are talking about bitcoin at shift change, it’s time to sell.

  4. FOMO can be a powerful force, but it’s not the only driver of bull runs. Halvings and fundamental changes in the technology or its use also play a big role.

  5. Can somebody make a detailed analysis on every bull run, when it start, how long last, and when it ended

  6. Quite literally just speculation. People see the history, they see the halving, and they say I’m going to take a bet that number will go up.

  7. Venture Capitalists pumped the market up to 3 trillion market cap during the peak and created money out of thin air

  8. I feel like big players milking the market triggers retail investors to jump back in

  9. A real bill run must have some kind of catalyst. For example the etf approval on this last bill run. My definition of fomo is buying in when you’ve more or less already missed the boat. Fomo is great for the ones who didn’t fomo, because they end up with the fomo-er’s money. Crypto is like a lottery, when you make money from crypto, you’re profit is someone else’s loss. Crypto itself doesn’t generate value like socks can.

    As far as trying to find an exit strategy, if you bought in at a less than ideal time, it’s sometimes better to just accept that and take the loss. Then use that money to make it back. That’s what I do at least. Some people prefer to DCA out.

  10. The majority of the market thinking price will go up. If everyone was to buy and put a limit sell at a higher price only, price would go up. But everyone has to do it. Literally everyone.

  11. Marjor developments that bring in new users and conviction. Defi has been the pervading narrative because it supports all others from a value exchange perspective. So I believe it will continue to be strong. Other narratives that can deliver a compelling value proposition and tech that can demonstrably service the same will drive adoption and growth of the industry and opportunities within it.

    For example, collectible NFTs opened up an interesting use case for collectors and creators during the last cycle.

    Similarly, there’s speculation that the next bull run will be driven by other popular (arguably more sophisticated) narratives like on-chain gaming and real world asset tokenization. It could be argued that the former has already contributed to a bull market with the rise of gaming-focused projects and platforms.

  12. A cheap money risk on macro environment. 2021 the government was literally giving people money for free. Personal checks, PPP “loans” to anyone that wanted one. Everyone was knee deep in cash and that’s why we saw meme stocks like game stop rip and then crypto ripped. None of that is possible without excess liquidity driven by cheap money.

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