What happen if a provide liquidity in a pool with 0 TVL in Unisvap V3?

There is a pair where is 99% allocated in 0.3%fees and just 1% in 0.05% fees. what happen if a provide liquidity in the 0.05% pool????

If a try a simulation on this site ( https://www.metacrypt.org/tools/uniswap-v3-calculator-simulator/?network=ethereum&token0=0x6b175474e89094c44da98b954eedeac495271d0f&token1=0x2260fac5e5542a773aa44fbcfedf7c193bc2c599&feeTier=500 ) it seem a very profitable solution, but if I check the data here ( https://info.uniswap.org/#/pools/0xa93eb5b410b651514a18724872306f5ce9928dde ) it seem the pool is empty, so i do not know what happen if i provide liquidity there….

1 thought on “What happen if a provide liquidity in a pool with 0 TVL in Unisvap V3?”

  1. If the pool is empty, there will be no swaps, therefor no fees earned. Unless you are providing a ton of liquidity or are expecting others to do so, then your funds will sit there not gaining anything because there is no volume.

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