What do you guys think about Vara Network?

I’m on the lookout for interesting L1 chains and Vara seems to be a bit overlooked or maybe it’s just that people don’t really talk about it much here on Reddit.

It seems like a really good multi-purpose chain that focuses on scalability but low transaction fees seem to be a priority as well. With the gaming sector constantly growing and the RWA sector slowly moving assets on-chain, I think there will be a lot of demand for such blockchains.

What do you guys think about their usecases and tokenomics. For me personally, they seem well thought out since there are both deflationary and inflationary mechanisms at play, but that is just one of many aspects that seem different and innovative.

CMC listing: https://coinmarketcap.com/currencies/vara-network/

Edit: Link to tokenomics page – https://wiki.vara.network/docs/tokenomics/

3 thoughts on “What do you guys think about Vara Network?”

  1. To be honest, I just learned about them recently. I know it was built on Gear Protocol and that is what got my attention but I never did a deep dive. Did you find something interesting?

  2. Block rewards make sense to me and the token has enough usecases to be considered a good long-term hold.

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