Web Dapp working perfectly! Now, the struggle to access phone metamask app via sdk, how ???

It's been a lovely 60 hours banging though the compiler errors, dependency issues, and so on thanks to zukerberg and his buddies cooking up this festering react framework, but the web conneciton to metamask browser app works great. We've done some amazing things with encryption and created a revolutionary application of this.. whatever it is.

Now, what about mobile?

1) I have read over each piece of documentation on metamask.io

a) Incomplete documentation

b) non-working examples, throwing errors

c) no examples on integrating the sdk with a the two actual working examples on the site which I used to get our app off the ground

2) Metamask Github Examples of SDK Builds

a) Incomplete/no documentation

b) compiler and dependancy errors

c) no build or dev options

So… How exactly is one supposed to interact with the metamask app on a phone from a web browser?

Are their any (WORKING) examples of a metamask deployment with the sdk which has a build and dev environment option?

2 thoughts on “Web Dapp working perfectly! Now, the struggle to access phone metamask app via sdk, how ???”

  1. Can you please open the issue on MetaMask GitHub SDK? https://github.com/MetaMask/metamask-sdk/issues

    The team will address there!

  2. METROHACKZ was able to help with recovery of my usdt, at least I got back over 80% through their services. Please be careful of Scammers and only file a complaint with #METROHACKZ only.

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