Very bullish predictions as seen on CNBC app

Boldest bitcoin predictions for 2024 — one calls for a 1,000% rally to $500,000

24 thoughts on “Very bullish predictions as seen on CNBC app”

  1. that’s some serious new years hopium injected straight into the bloodstream

  2. that is not the boldest bitcoin prediction for 2024, that is just a small hit from the hopium bong.

  3. It’s just click bait crap.

    If you genuinely believed it then that person would remortgage their home and go all in on bitcoin.

    They haven’t done that I guarantee it.

    By all means be positive about BTC and its value but to claim it’ll do X Y Z and then expect others to listen to you when you yourself won’t listen to your own claims is ridiculous.

  4. Bitcoin will be lucky to break and sustain past 100k. I say this as a long term believer.

  5. I hate price predictions. They are pointless hype fodder, Rarely ever accurate.

  6. If these people believed their own bs they’d be posting screenshots of their BTC calls.

  7. 500k…guys we must make some forecast for ordering porsche gt3 rs..they will not be able to supply all our orders in the same time 😂

  8. Is there something getting eaten on national TV if the price won’t reach certain prediction?

  9. Pump it with whatever ridiculous number you imagine lmfao. The real thing is to reach 100k first. Then we can talk about other goals.

  10. So people expect one god candle to a lambo? Or are we more subdued this time with a Toyota Camry.

  11. I think a more realistic number is around $230k to $250k. Based on previous cycle bottom to top growth, this seems like a real possibility.

  12. Buy the hype, sell the news. I’m concerned that the media is hyping things the way they are. Lots pointing to a crypto correction in Q1-Q2.

  13. Bunch of clueless fools on CNBC. Jim Cramer has a job there is all you need to know

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