Urgent Call to Action: Kucoin’s Unjust Delisting Policy Resulting in Severe Losses

Recently, Kucoin made the decision to delist the XHV coin, effectively locking away our hard-earned investments. This alone is frustrating, but what's truly infuriating is their refusal to allow users to withdraw their funds within a reasonable timeframe. As a result, I've been robbed of 40,000 XHV coins, valued at over $40,000 USD at the time of purchase.

Let's call it what it is: theft. Kucoin's disregard for their users' financial well-being is appalling and unacceptable. What's worse is the complete lack of communication. I, like many others, have received no email notifications regarding this matter. This cannot be legal.

It's time to take action. I have been tirelessly trying to communicate my situation to Kucoin for weeks, even months, but all I received were automated responses with no further communication whatsoever.

I am seeking fellow users who have been affected by Kucoin's delisting policy to join forces in pursuing legal action. Together, we can hold Kucoin accountable for their actions and seek justice for the losses we've incurred.

To strengthen our case, I am actively searching for lawyers with expertise in crypto-related matters, particularly in Hong Kong and Singapore. If you know of any legal professionals who can assist us in this fight, please reach out.

Additionally, I urge all affected users to come forward and share your experiences. By gathering evidence and forming a strong team, we can build a compelling case against Kucoin.

This is not just about seeking compensation for our losses; it's about standing up against injustice and ensuring that exchanges like Kucoin are held responsible for their actions. Our voices must be heard, and our rights must be protected.

Thank you for your attention


1 thought on “Urgent Call to Action: Kucoin’s Unjust Delisting Policy Resulting in Severe Losses”

  1. Why leave it on the marketplace? Surely by now we can all agree never to trust the marketplace. With that much value, perplexing why it’s not off marketplace

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