Unable to send ARB off ledger

I am unable to send my ARB off wallet. The continue button just stays gray. Any ideas?


4 thoughts on “Unable to send ARB off ledger”

  1. The Ledger subreddit is continuously targeted by scammers. Ledger Support will never send you private messages. Never share your 24-word recovery phrase with anyone, never enter it on any
    website or software, even if it looks like it’s from Ledger. Only keep the recovery phrase as a physical paper or metal backup, never create a digital copy in text or photo form. Learn more at

    If you’re experiencing battery problems, check out our [troubleshooting guide](https://support.ledger.com/hc/en-us/articles/4409233434641-How-to-troubleshoot-Ledger-Nano-X-battery-issues?
    support=true). If you’re still having issues head over to the My Order page to explore options for replacement or refunds. Learn more here.

    I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns.

  2. This occurs most often when there’s not enough ETH in the wallet to pay the network transaction fee. Arbitrum uses ETH for gas fees, the same as Ethereum mainnet, but the ETH has to be in the same wallet and on the same network.

    Check to make sure you have some ETH in that Arbitrum account, and if not, try sending a small amount to your wallet (ensuring it’s sent over the Arbitrum network).

    Let me know if that helps out!

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