UK Judge freezes $7.6m of Craig Wright’s assets after his loss in Bitcoin creator case

UK Judge freezes $7.6m of Craig Wright’s assets after his loss in Bitcoin creator case – DL News

The irony is that if this $7.6m were held in Bitcoin which Craig Wright alleges he invented, the court would have a harder time freezing his funds, though it probably wouldn't be impossible. A good privacy coin would achieve that. (no shilling of specific coins here or in comments, please).

In this case (and I suppose in most cases), I think it's good that this freeze could take place. So while I'm bullish on privacy coins, I'm also an advocate for rule of law and don't think privacy coins should be intentionally used to evade the law.

3 thoughts on “UK Judge freezes $7.6m of Craig Wright’s assets after his loss in Bitcoin creator case”

  1. Tried to steal another’s creation to enrich himself. Getting just what he deserves.

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