TRIVIA for MOONS – Play Trivia for a chance to win from a pool of 1,000 MOONS. Monday 2 October 2023. EDT – 9.30 pm. On Kahoot and YouTube Live!


It’s time for another TRIVIA 4 MOONS event! This live event will be co-hosted by both myself, u/mvea, and u/jwinterm!

The event will be simulcast to YouTube Live using the Kahoot platform.

You will get to watch the Trivia questions and graphics, answers, rankings and hear us, and submit your answers on your mobile devices using the Kahoot website.

The Game:

Kahoot is an online quiz platform.

Number of questions: 15

Time to answer for each question: 10 seconds

Note – the faster you answer, the more points you get

Type of questions:

  1. Quiz – multiple choice (single or select more than 1)
  2. True or false
  3. Slider (slide arrow along a ruler to the closest number)


1st 12 questions – single points

Last 3 questions – double points

Number of players: Up to 2,000

How to play:

Load up Kahoot on your mobile device by going to link below.

Join the game using your Reddit username – unknown names will not qualify for prizes.

Use your mobile device to select the answers.

Go to the YouTube Live channel to listen to hosts and watch the questions, answer reveals and score rankings – the link will be posted here when the time arrives.

The Prizes:

1st – 650 MOONS

2nd – 250 MOONS

3rd – 100 MOONS

You must be able to post in the main r/CryptoCurrency sub to qualify for prizes too.

Winners will receive their MOONS soon after the event is finished.

The Date and Time:

Monday 2 October 2023

EDT – 9.30 pm

Kahoot will start accepting players from the hour. We will wait 10 minutes for up to 2,000 players to join.

At the 10 minute mark, we will start the game sharp, so be on time!

We will spend about 1-2 minutes per question, so the event should be finished by the 30 minute mark.

The Links to Join:

To watch – YouTube Live:

To play – Kahoot:


Our Kahoot premium is kindly sponsored by Magic Grants ( and Hydrate Labs (!

If you have any questions, please ask them below.

50 thoughts on “TRIVIA for MOONS – Play Trivia for a chance to win from a pool of 1,000 MOONS. Monday 2 October 2023. EDT – 9.30 pm. On Kahoot and YouTube Live!”

  1. perfect time, I’m gonna play this right before work starts so if I don’t win anything it’s gonna feel just right for the day

  2. Last time, barely 50 people joined which was surprising to me. I got so close and messed up the last question. But it was still so much fun.

  3. Great, I love trivia and even better that we can win some Moons. Thanks OP for hosting this event.

  4. Hopefully, next time it will be held at another time so that people from all over the globe will have a chance to participate without setting an alarm clock in the middle of the night.

    I’m setting mine this time tho!

  5. Maan, these time zones are always confusing, could anyone please tell me when the trivia is for the UAE?
    Google is returning multiple answers, am, pm?
    Is it on 3rd Oct 5:30 am?
    Please don’t be any sooner hehe

  6. I sold my moons recently as needed the cash, what is the penalty and how do I rectify it?

  7. Remember that Star Wars tournament from 10 years ago when the price for the 8th place was 25 Bitcoins?
    How will we feel looking at this post in ten years seeing that the 1st place was taking 650 moons for some quiz?

  8. Oh damn. This should be a lot of fun! Love seeing the ways we can pick up some extra moons and engage with the homies

  9. I would love to join & try to win my first moons but unfortunately the time will be 1:30 AM BST for me , so I wont be able to participate 😔

  10. What if you had one Trivia night for each region of the world? One for US, Canada, Mexico, etc. one for Australia & Oceania, one for Europe, and one for Asia?

    And they all took place at different times, to be more convenient for the locals?

  11. Last trivia i felt like an idiot the question were way harder than i thought 😂 lets do it again!

  12. Sweet, I love trivia! Even tho all of the last rounds made me feel like an idiot.

  13. I would love to participate in this but gotta take the girls to the game. GL everyone!

  14. Great idea, however it’s Monday and I have the dumb so good luck everyone!!

  15. This is my first TRIVIA! What happens in the events of ties?

    I am ready to shoot for them stars!

  16. Cannot w8 to join this. Good thing it’s later today, let just see how it goes.

  17. Is the quiz gonna have to be completed live? I think that’s like 3:30 in the morning here

  18. Man id love to participate but i dont think i will this time. Next time for sure!

  19. Love the idea! Something that brings great interactivity. Loved to be able to participate but unfortunately it’s in the middle of the night for me.

    Good luck for those that will be participating!

  20. Last time I won but didn’t know I had to enter the contest with my reddit username.

    So in case anybody is as dumb as me, take note :).

  21. very nice, but I came to read the post now, good luck to the participants

  22. TRIVIA 4 MOONS is now live (9.30 PM EDT):

    To watch – YouTube Live:

    To play – Kahoot:

  23. sht I placed my reddit username and had to refresh now my username is taken

    gotta replace the 3 to e and hopefully it’s not an issue

    if by a longshot I win something lol

  24. That was fun as always guys thank you ! Congrats to all bear market, math and bear meat experts lol

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