Trezor scam outgoing transactions

I use trezor suite desktop version.

I sent 0.1 test eth to my Binance address. When it successfully arrived I copied the address of the Sent ETH (selected on the img), which appeared to be a poisoned address, but somehow it appeared in the UI. Then I transferred 7.4 eth to the scam address.

So my question is Trezor responsible for showing some bull shit addresses in my wallet, cause it never happens with other crypto wallets.

I am quite sure that I should have double-checked the transaction, but I copied the last outgoing transaction of mine which by default should be correct.

Trezor support told me they are fixing the issue, but funds are lost. Be carefull guys…

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8 thoughts on “Trezor scam outgoing transactions”

  1. Please bear in mind that no one from the Trezor team would send you a private message first.
    If you want to discuss a sensitive issue, we suggest contacting our Support team via the Troubleshooter:

    No one from the Trezor team (Reddit mods, Support agents, etc) would ever ask for your recovery seed!
    Beware of scams and phishings:

    I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns.

  2. > So my question is Trezor responsible for showing some bull shit addresses in my wallet, cause it never happens with other crypto wallets.

    Manual has a whole section dedicated on how to keep this from happening to you.

    Sorry you were scammed. Reminder to always read the manual when dealing with tech that controls your finances.

  3. But Ser, the rule is to only trust what your Trezor says, not whats appearing on the PC screen. There are malwares that change the address once you copy/paste. Always look what the hardware wallet is showing

  4. What OS are you using?

    Did you download trezor suite from:

    Did you check it using gpg?

  5. It’s called address poisoning, and it’s not a problem with Trezor as such, it’s just one of the many, many footguns found in ETH.

  6. > So my question is Trezor responsible for showing some bull shit addresses in my wallet, cause it never happens with other crypto wallets. 

    This is a good question, but Trezor is literally showing what is on the blockchain. And unfortunately the blockchain is full of fucking spam. As they are legitimate transactions from the blockchain point of view.

    But these spam TXs take advantage of people copy and pasting transaction history. Which is SUPER bad practise. Although very convenient.

    For this reason account based blockchains (like Ethereum) I simply cannot recommend to ordinary people. They are an easy target for scammers. Where UTXO based blockchains (like Bitcoin) don’t have this problem.

    The next release of Trezor Suite attempts to guess what exactly is a scammy TX and prevents the copying of addresses.

  7. this has been going on with ledger for sometime, ledger put out many warnings to check the entire address (not just the beginning and end bits) and never copy an address from the transaction list. Sorry you got done like this. It’s a problem with wallets in general, not so much trezor only.

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