and Hulk Labs are Ready for a Gaming Revolution

Found this to be an interesting interview regarding tokenization and crypto overall: is gearing up for a new gaming revolution based on NFTs and web3. Co-Founder & CEO Andrew Kiguel, together with Chief NFT and Hulk Labs lead Officer Josh Doner, gives Global One Media an overview of how the company plans to grind its way to a solid position in the gaming space.

Hulk Labs is's gaming unit with a focus on tokenomics for brands, building data platforms, and game development. Hulk Labs is on a mission to capture the rapidly growing NFT and web3 gaming spaces and build gaming as an entry point for a whole new kind of e-commerce environment.

1 thought on “ and Hulk Labs are Ready for a Gaming Revolution”

  1. So you intend to scam people by creating and printing shitcoins and shoehorning them into games.

    If you want to introduce a crypto economy into your game create scarcity in it and a real world marketplace denominated in bitcoin, with a bitcoin wallet in your client. There is zero reason to create a scam token or NFT collection dedicated to your game aside from a desire to print scam money and control everything in your ecosystem – i.e. anti-consumer objectives.

    Keep your NFT’s. Shove them up your ass. Gamers nor Bitcoiners are interested and will actively shun you everywhere you go.

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