The first leveraged ETF was just approved in the US, paving the way for the approval of all the pending spot ETFs

The SEC just approved the first leveraged Bitcoin futures ETF! The Volatility Shares’ 2x Bitcoin Strategy ETF, which uses the acronym BITX, will become the first ETF available in the US that uses leverage. The SEC decided this today and it will start on Tuesday next week.

The filing is here:

This is great news and sets up approval of all the spot ETFs that are pending, like the one of BlackRock, Fidelity, and Valkyrie. If the SEC approves this, I see no reason why they would deny spot ETFs. Remember, BlackRock has an INSANE record of ETF approval.

Things are looking better and better. I cant believe that after weeks of bad news we are seeing only good news now. I hope the good news continues.

The future is bright.

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40 thoughts on “The first leveraged ETF was just approved in the US, paving the way for the approval of all the pending spot ETFs”

  1. All of this is so funny. I really think there were some manipulation few weeks ago.

  2. If any Spot ETF is approved then we know 100% this whole thing was a ruse to get trad fi some low prices

  3. Leverage is the Achilles heel of bitcoin, makes you think why futures ETF was approved 🤔

  4. >The SEC just approved the first leveraged Bitcoin futures ETF! The Volatility Shares’ 2x Bitcoin Strategy ETF

    Finally I can lose money 2x faster

  5. Blackrock has a Mayweather-like win record when it comes to getting ETFs approved.

  6. So I think what happened here is the SEC didn’t necessarily approve the application, but they also didn’t block it. I guess operating this way gives the SEC plausable deniability if something goes wrong with this offering in the future?

    > The regulator has not denied the application for the 2x ETF, Volatility Shares Chief Investment Officer Stuart Barton said, paving the way for its launch this upcoming Tuesday.

  7. It took hardly a week for BlackRock and fidelity to change government’s mood lol

  8. The real game changer will be the BlackRock spot ETF though, because BlackRock has to buy ‘real’ Bitcoin to offer this product.

    In general it’s really nice to see how bullish institutional money is 😅

  9. When was this first submitted? I’d like to see how long it takes the SEC to approve an ETF

  10. Sorry this is incorrect. This is indeed the first leveraged ETF but it is based on futures not spot. The SEC actually doesn’t have much issue approving Futures based ETF, but they have denied all spot ETF’s to date supposedly because of potential market manipulation.

    There are currently 15 approved Futures ETFs, which is SEC is fine with as I said before, but this is VERY different from spot.The original article even points this out. You can view the list of submitted ETFs here.

    In addition, the keywords here is “Sponsor says”. The ETF is not approved, like many other who remain unapproved for months, and the Sponsor is only assuming it will be.

  11. Is it me or does this all feel to good to be true? I’m hyped as fuck but I’m still questioning things.

  12. I was there when everyone was super excited about the CME and CBOE futures in Dec 2017. Everyone knows what happened in the next month and onwards.

  13. This is the dumbest thing the sec could do.
    They say they are trying to protect retail investors but approve a leveraged etf (basically used for gambling) before a regular btc etf?

    It’s literally one of the stupidest things the sec could do

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