πŸ’™ Switch to Arbitrum PancakeSwap for one of the industry’s lowest trading fees and swap to share $10,000 USDT!

πŸ€” Want the best deal on DEXs?

πŸ’™ Switch to Arbitrum PancakeSwap for one of the industry's lowest trading fees and swap to share $10,000 USDT!


πŸ“… Campaign Duration: Jan 12th – Jan 26th, 2024

πŸ†• Eligibility: Existing Arbitrum DEX traders who haven't swapped on PancakeSwap before – check if your wallet address qualifies here: https://dune.com/pancakeswap/pancakeswap-non-pcs-users-campaign-arbitrum

πŸŽ‰ How to Join:

1️⃣ Trade a minimum of $1,000 to share from a guaranteed reward ($5,000)

2️⃣ Every day 5 lucky traders with a minimum of $2,000 daily volume will win $20 each

3️⃣ The Top 50 traders with the highest volume will share $3,500

πŸ‘‰ Trade now: https://pancakeswap.finance/swap?chain=arb

πŸ“š More details: https://blog.pancakeswap.finance/articles/pancake-swap-s-exclusive-campaign-for-new-users-on-arbitrum-pancake-swap-swap-and-share-10-000-usdt

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1 thought on “πŸ’™ Switch to Arbitrum PancakeSwap for one of the industry’s lowest trading fees and swap to share $10,000 USDT!”

  1. Please note that PancakeSwap (or any wallet service) DOES NOT provide support through direct messages.

    There are multiple scams targeting crypto users and you should NEVER, under any circumstances, share your wallet seed
    phrase or any personal information with anyone online!

    Keep yourself safe:

    1. Never click on any unverified links.
    2. Never share your private keys or seed phrases.
    3. Reporting all suspicious users.
    4. Be suspicious of everything – do your own research!

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