Started out as a Hot Take on CBDCs and turned into a rabbit hole of comparisons.

These came from a chat I had after asking it to summarize an article against CBDCs that also briefly mentioned positives. I hadn’t heard any positives about them before so I asked it to elaborate and then my brain started comparing it with things we use currently in the current monetary system and then it all went from there.

I went down a rabbit hole and asked further questions to’s chatbot about CBDCs and non-CBDCs vs foreign exchange currency vs credit vs cash. The images are the results.

So is this a hot take?: CBDCs changing all of finance the way credit and credit cards did when we first started using credit cards?

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1 thought on “Started out as a Hot Take on CBDCs and turned into a rabbit hole of comparisons.”

  1. Credit cards were an improvement to the financial system, CBDCs on the other hand would be a giant set in a scary direction. That entire exchange is complete nonsense.

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