Should be taught in school

This book is the greatest succinct presentation of economic/monetary history. I was already a mises loving libertarian but this exposes Keynes, validates the Austrian school, and explains why we are right to stack. It should be taught in schools for its simplicity in explaining sound money and extolling its virtues.

11 thoughts on “Should be taught in school”

  1. I’m currently reading it and I believe it is much too challenging for the average reader.

  2. At first it was good when he talked about the Rai stones. Then when he started talking about art, it got extremely boring. Then when chapter 8 came, it got extremely interesting.

    You could skip the entire book until Chapter 8 and wouldn’t miss anything important (with the exception of the Rai stones). Chapter 8 and beyond is what mattered.

  3. Despite all the criticism my favourite chapter is the chapter on art, I had never thought about it that way and after Saifedean’s explanation it makes perfect sense.

    There’s been an influx of leftists into bitcoin and they are trying to erode bitcoin culture so when you see this book mentioned you’ll see people spam negative posts.

    This is without a doubt the best book about Bitcoin

  4. Good book, Broken Money by Lyn Alden is excellent as well.

  5. The parts on currency history are good, but the rest is rubbish. It is an ideological book and it is completely stupid when he attacks his ideological opponents harshly. It’s polemic and Entertainment for Anti-Fiat audience. That does not mean that he must not be right in terms of content, but that is not acceptable in serious literature. School does not mean indoctrination in an ideological direction, but rather comparing different concepts.

  6. This post was much more useful than a lot of this other garbage that comes across this sub, but I guess my priority isn’t seeing Michael Saylor AI videos

    Take my upvote for the contribution!

  7. No, it shouldn’t. It’s barely about Bitcoin.
    I think only 1-2 chapters. The rest is just ramblings about economics

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