Project Apollo for Moons is in 9 days

We've started a movement on the MOON sub r/CryptoCurrencyMoons to get the broader crypto community to talk about Moons. Project Apollo is a community-driven virality program intended to get our beloved MOON trending on X by blitzing Crypto Twitter in a small window of time during the next full moon.

To accomplish our goal we will be scheduling tweets spread over a couple minutes when this countdown expires on April 23rd or 24th, depending on where you live. For example one tweet every minute from 8:30 PM to 8:35 PM PDT. A lot of us are from Europe so it'll be the middle of the night for us, but this is solved by scheduling tweets. You don’t need to be a premium member to schedule tweets.

Time in your time zone:

Note that if you're from Europe, it will be April 24th in the early AM.

Here's how to schedule tweets:

  1. Go to on a (mobile) browser – not the app
  2. Click “Post” to compose a new tweet
  3. Write your tweet and include mentions of our ticker $MOON, hashtags #MOONArmy, #ProjectApollo and #CCMoons
  4. Click the calendar icon and schedule the tweet exactly when this countdown expires so we all tweet at the same time (for your first one; the next one should be at least 1 minute later)
  5. Click “Confirm”
  6. Repeat these steps for all the tweets you want to make (with different messages each time)

For the blitz to succeed, all tweets must include $MOON, #MOONArmy, #CCMoons, #ProjectApollo and a message about Moons.

As discussed in the original post, all coin eruptions happen on Twitter. I don't like Twitter either but that is just a fact. We need a coordinated effort in a very short period of time to go trending/viral, so we can be an established name in the space and onboard new community members. We'll use the full Moon, which people will already be talking about, as an orbital slingshot to trend our keywords.

On April 23rd, around the time of the full moon (depending on where you live) and according to this countdown, we will raid CT to flood the timeline with tweets about $MOON, our hashtags, promo material, Twitter Spaces and more. But it all needs to happen in a window of a few minutes when the countdown expires.

If you’re in comment “I’m in”, set a RemindMe and join the ride to the MOON. It is our time.

22 thoughts on “Project Apollo for Moons is in 9 days”

  1. The top 3 posts in the last week on r/CryptoCurrencyMoons are all Project Apollo. We are ready to go mainstream.

  2. This is important because we need to start establishing a presence on Twitter for Moons to be successful.

  3. I’m in. Going to be a fun day. Just activated my new Twitter account. Locked and loaded $Moon 🙂

  4. This project is all about moving our ecosystem beyond reddit

    I love it

    If you’re looking for a home base, have people check out (by the way, if you check out balance distributions on this site, you’ll quickly notice how our project has one of THE best distributions within the whole crypto ecosystem)

  5. moonarmy is a bit much, but seems like a good idea. Could prob push em with some eclipse hype too

  6. We desperately need a website before this type of promotion IMO. We need a good looking central place to send newbies to where we can explain how moons work, how the tokenomics are bound to cause an increase in price eventually due to a limited supply and constant burning for banners, past price action, total supply and burn rate, etc.

    We look very rookie without this.

  7. Don’t expect MOONs to hit $5 from this people. Eventually I can see hitting that target, but not in the next month.

    This WILL help bridge them socially out of Reddit though, which is what’s needed. When popularity rises, so will use cases and intrinsic value.

    !remind me! 8 days

  8. i expect the headline in 10 days to be something like MOON price crash from massive selloff after Twitter blitz campaign which originated on this subreddit.

  9. I lost interest in moons when I no longer had access to the ones I earned on here

  10. So many bot comments with „I‘m in!“

    Whoever buys this shit, im sorry you fell for it.

    Comments read like generated texts.

    „Still cheap“ and „sorry you sold at bottom“ 😂😂😂

    I have never bought this crap token. I am very happy


    Its shilling scam and trying to advertise wirh bot activities so simulate a community!


    Buy Bitcoin!

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