🐰 PancakeSwap will host an AMA with Wombat Exchange

🐰 PancakeSwap will host an AMA with Wombat Exchange


πŸ“… 9 Aug, 12:00 PM UTC

🎁 $1,000 USDT reward pool

πŸ‘‰ Join the AMA here: http://t.me/PancakeSwap

Learn how to win: πŸ‘‡

πŸ’°To Win AMA prizes, you MUST:

βœ… Follow @WombatExchange and @PancakeSwap on twitter

βœ… Join the PancakeSwap telegram group: http://t.me/PancakeSwap

βœ… Ask questions during the AMA or in this thread

βœ… Or answer the quiz questions prepared by the wombat team during the AMA

πŸƒBonus: 10 random lucky winners win $10 each who joined the PancakeSwap telegram group before the AMA and answer this question, β€œWhich token do you earn for Staking $WOM-USDT LP on Ethereum PancakeSwap farm?” with #WombatAMA to confirm their AMA participation and attend the AMA.

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