🥞 PancakeSwap November Recap

🥞 PancakeSwap November Recap

📋veCAKE and Gauge Voting

👨‍💼PancakeSwap Gaming Marketplace is Live with a New Game!

🔥CAKE Negative Mint November

💼New Position Manager Partner

🎉Perpetuals v2: Dumb Mode

📚 Read more:

👀 What's coming up next?

🔮 Multichain Predictions

The Kitchen is working to take PancakeSwap Prediction out on a multichain journey! Say goodbye to being able to predict the price of your favorite coins only on BNB Chain! The future is multichain.

🗳️Multichain Simple Staking

Imagine earning rewards by staking a single type of asset. There is no impermanent loss & no need to manage different positions. Okay, we offer that now with our Simple Staking. But now imagine all these benefits in other chains too! That's the thing!

2 thoughts on “🥞 PancakeSwap November Recap”

  1. Please note that PancakeSwap (or any wallet service) DOES NOT provide support through direct messages.

    There are multiple scams targeting crypto users and you should NEVER, under any circumstances, share your wallet seed
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    Keep yourself safe:

    1. Never click on any unverified links.
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    3. Reporting all suspicious users.
    4. Be suspicious of everything – do your own research!

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