Pancakeswap getReserves method returns a static/non up to date value.

From what I've learned after reading a few earlier discussions on this sub reddit, an efficient way of getting up to date pair prices on pancakeswap is by getting the reserve amounts of the coins in the pair from bsc directly and dividing the reserve amount of one coin by the reserve amount of the other. I have written code that does this however, this approach does not seem to be generating up to date prices because the reserve amounts returned after each call is always the same. I ran the function every 10 seconds for about 2 hours and for all 2 hours the reserve amounts stayed the same which I know couldn't have been true because I observed significant price changes for the pair on pancakeswap's website within that same period. The code I've written is below. In this case the pair was DOT/BUSD. Does anyone know why this may be happening and what I can maybe do to get around this? Thanks a lot!

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