⏰ Only a few hours left to join our PancakeSwap prediction launch on zkSync celebratory campaign.

⏰ Only a few hours left to join our PancakeSwap prediction launch on zkSync celebratory campaign.


🔮 Predict the $ETH price every 10 minutes correctly and grab your share of the round’s prize pool!

⚡️ While the campaign is live, seize additional benefits by climbing up the leaderboard to share from the $5,000 reward pool.

🌟 Participate now: https://pancakeswap.finance/prediction?chain=zkSync&token=ETH

📚 Learn more & Join: https://blog.pancakeswap.finance/articles/pancake-swap-prediction-launches-on-zk-sync-era-using-gelato-oracle-win-5-000-usdt-in-celebratory-campaign

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1 thought on “⏰ Only a few hours left to join our PancakeSwap prediction launch on zkSync celebratory campaign.”

  1. Please note that PancakeSwap (or any wallet service) DOES NOT provide support through direct messages.

    There are multiple scams targeting crypto users and you should NEVER, under any circumstances, share your wallet seed
    phrase or any personal information with anyone online!

    Keep yourself safe:

    1. Never click on any unverified links.
    2. Never share your private keys or seed phrases.
    3. Reporting all suspicious users.
    4. Be suspicious of everything – do your own research!

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