Oasis Network’s Week(s) in Review

Happy weekend everyone!

Just wanted to share a recap of this week on the Oasis Network stormfront. Here are the key highlights:

  • A new course on Oasis Academy y dedicated to PancakeSwap has been released. It covers details about the partnership, a DeFi refresher course, and a short tutorial on swapping wrapped rose to USDC.
  • Three blog article were published on the blog:
    • Top 4 Integrations of Oasis Privacy from 2023
    • Oasis December 2023 Engineering Update
    • Roses and Privacy: A Historical Duo for Centuries
  • First edition of Developer Office Hours series was live on the 18th : Sapphire 101
  • Partnerships ad ecosystem updates:
    • XDAO integrated Oasis Sapphire
    • Heroes battle arena migrated to sapphire
    • Empyreal Enclave is now live on both Ethereum Mainnet and Arbitrum.
    • Predictoor got a big ux upgrade

I'm sharing the link for anyone who wants more details.
Happy watching, and let me know which update caught your eye this week!

1 thought on “Oasis Network’s Week(s) in Review”

  1. The Empyreal Enclave development is huge as it practically underlines the application of smart privacy-enabled account abstraction.

    Among other notable news, don’t forget SubQuery now offering full support for both Oasis Emerald and Oasis Sapphire. Also, did you check out how interest in confidential DAOs has revived since the conversation on the dangers of dark DAOs?

    For the next review, I am looking forward to the session with DeltaDAO – the newest Oasis grant recipient, and of, course, the TGE and full mainnet launch of illumineX confidential DEX.

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