Oasis Network Community Townhall is just around the corner

For a long time now, we have known about Oasis Network – the leading privacy-enabled and scalable layer-1 blockchain network with a dedicated mission to propel web3 forward. When the industry's first confidential EVM runtime Sapphire went mainnet at the turn of 2023, it promised great use cases in the form of confidential dApps for web3. Since then, it has only grown from strength to strength. And Oasis native token ROSE is just on the verge of breaking into the top 100 list at Coinmarketcap demonstrating its bullish potential.

Let's take a look at what Oasis has been doing. Sapphire-powered Oasis Privacy Layer (OPL) is available for cross-chain customizable privacy solutions. The Privacy for Web3 (P4W3) hackathon is inviting registrations from privacy-conscious dApp builders. The Oasis ecosystem project Enshrine has taken the concept of confidential computing via TEEs and secure enclaves to autonomous capability. How would you like more in-depth overviews about all of them?

Oasis' first community town hall of 2023 will take place on June 8 at 10 AM EST (2 PM UTC). Registration for limited Zoom slots is in great demand, as expected. Make sure you don't miss it. Alternatively, you can also stream it live on the official Youtube channel. See you there!

1 thought on “Oasis Network Community Townhall is just around the corner”

  1. the Oasis Privacy Layer and the P4W3 hackathon sound really interesting for privacy-focused dApp builders. Enshrine’s work on confidential computing is impressive too. can’t wait!

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