Nexo emails leaked, instead of warning users they delete posts and run promotions looking like the phishing attacks

So I got a phishing email from “Nexo” for a $500 USDC gift. My guess is that customer email addresses were leaked, see also here:

At the same time the run a promo on X by themselves where you can win $100 in BTC.

Instead of warning their customers, they run promos similar to phishing scams. And needless to say that my warning on the Nexo subreddit was removed:

It's just a question of time until the first Nexo user loses his funds due to the (very likely) email address leak. Nexo should at the very least inform transparently its customers and warn them about this. Otherwise legal action from users who lose their funds are incoming.

16 thoughts on “Nexo emails leaked, instead of warning users they delete posts and run promotions looking like the phishing attacks”

  1. Of course they’d remove fud. Just because someone has found a way to leak their own email(some sort of malware, etc), doesn’t mean it’s nexo’s fault.

  2. You did well by contacting them but Nexo are obviously scared of the fud such warnings will cause enhance they removed your comment and maybe handle the issue internally.

  3. Plot twist: they’re also running the phishing scams on the side. Why else start a promo right after that’s so similar to the scams? It just makes the scams seem more legit

  4. Yall need to start using the + feature most emails have. Anytime you sign up for anything you should be using it.

    if you dont know what im talking about here’s an example

    if your email is for example and you wanted to sign up for nexo, you should list your email as You will still get all ur emails and anytime you get one that is spam with that tag, you’ll know who and how it leaked. it also makes it very easy to simply create a new Filter rule after the spam starts to just block it all by blocking that specific tag.

  5. Glad I dodged the Nexo bullet. I remember someone posting about Nexo in here a year ago and pointing out some shady business or worrying behavior on Nexos side (which I unfortunately don´t remember anymore).

  6. I can confirm. I have an email I only use for Nexo where I started receiving phishing scams this week.

  7. Same thing with Gemini. happened last year or so. I know for sure because I use a unique email for each of the, and started receiving phishing emails. They deleted my reddit posts and ignored my emails. withdrew everything and never looked back…

  8. This is pretty messed up.

    Then again scam calls on the phone over car insurance or warranties are nonstop. NFT scam spam is sent to every address regardless of hot or cold wallet.

    Feels like this is a byproduct of digitalization and for crypto specifically the public archive/transparent aspects. These are good but they come with some annoyances like this type of scam spam.

    These emails though should be addressed especially if it’s the result of Nexo having issues and the last thing they should do is try to hide it they need to let users know.

    CeFi is sketchy. Self custody is the way.

  9. Easy they someone inside use the costumers emails from their database to scam people using the similar promos

    Inside jobs sometimes i dont believe in anybody, all of them could be into scams too

    People are greed and need money to spend and show on IG

  10. Same here. You can find my post on the nexo sub from a few months ago and they claim nothing happened on their side but I used an aliased Gmail which I didn’t use anywhere else so I don’t know where else spammers should’ve gotten my mail from.

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