Nervos’ RGB++ live on testnet

RGB + + has been receiving a lot of interest recently from both the Bitcoin and Asian crypto communities with it’s novel approaches to bitcoins limitations – putting it in the realm of ‘layer 2s for Bitcoin’

But not without controversy.
RGB++ inspiration – ‘RGB’ protocols founder Maxim Orlovsky has met this newfound competition of RGB++ with great emotional resistance which ultimately lead to him stepping down from his role with the RGB protocol.


RGB++ is an extension protocol based on RGB, utilizing single-use seals and client-side validation technology to manage state changes and transaction verification. It maps Bitcoin UTXOs to Nervos CKB Cells via isomorphic bindings and uses script constraints on the CKB and Bitcoin chains to verify the correctness of state computation and the validity of ownership changes.

RGB++ addresses the technical challenges faced by the original RGB protocol in practical implementation and provides more possibilities, such as blockchain-enhanced client validation, transaction folding, shared states with ownerless contracts, and non-interactive transfers. It brings Turing-complete contract extensions and performance enhancements to Bitcoin without the need for cross-chain transfers or compromising security.


Lead developer:

Development team:

Nervos network:

White paper:

Protocol and implementation components:

TLDR: Nervos’ RGB++ is a new protocol that offers revolutionary ideas and improvements to Bitcoin. Now live on testnet

8 thoughts on “Nervos’ RGB++ live on testnet”

  1. Nervos Network has come along way, Nervos kept building thought the bear market and the potential is huge. I’m impressed by the approach and solutions given. Can’t wait to see how this plays out.

  2. Big step forward for Nervos, CKB and RGB++

    Will be interesting to see how it compares to other Bitcoin L2s

  3. Cipher is doing great things for Nervos. JoyID wallet and now RGB++ he’s on fire.

  4. Nervos has some fantastic devs, let’s see how this plays out. Exciting times ahead for any ckb holders.

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