My top alt picks for 2024

My List of Alts from the TOP (in market cap order): been holding these since jan 2023.

Ethereum – because its the biggest most well known besides btc, 100% open source, and has grown organically without being pumped

ADA – because it has a great eco system, the dev team is brilliant, and each day their dapps are growing and growing!

AVAX – because its stable AF and has the ability to allow for building other sub chains with ease and security

DOGE – its an all time favorite meme and possible pump by the musky one woth his new X

LINK – the oracle of all oracles period.

MATIC – a great layer 2 built on eth with cheap gas fees lots of support and vc's dumping cash into.

ATOM – maybe the internet of blockchains one day and the best ALT air drops out there.

MANA – my metaverse play.. hope to break a buck!

ACH – my longshot on the list but a coin with a “use case” registered to transact currency in over 200 countries has been around sinxe 2018 and IMHO the best crypto (and 1st!) fiat onramp in the industry

What are you holding?

22 thoughts on “My top alt picks for 2024”

  1. Great list! Consider adding micro caps with potential like DUA. If you do your own research on this gem, you’ll see the potential of the Brillion smart wallet in providing everyone with an accessible web3 wallet.

  2. Great list, I must say. I’ve got some of these assets: avax, atom, matic, and wide extension to eth, xtp, fet, and others. I believe that these assets will generate and print real money and a good ROI. The next cycle will indeed be epic.

  3. I know technically they are alts but ADA, AVAX and SOL are top ten ranked projects.

    My main 3 alt holds now are HDX, PARA and FIDA.

    Managed to get in on the first two at around 0.006 – 0.007 so they’ve already done a 2x.

  4. ETH MATIC and LINK are among my holdings. I have ARB because I believe it is the most promising L2 ecosystem, DIA is an undervalued Oracle project with a large number of partnerships, and product updates… Big potential IMO. AIOZ DePIN gem and OCEAN AI project are among my top picks.

  5. Id recommend buy $2024 asap and sell right after new years. I put in 160 the other day and im up to 850 rn

  6. $AVAX is a good one, I’ve seen it pump slightly recently. My own interest in the avalanche ecosystem lies in other assets like $COQ. It seems to be garnering quite good social sentiment and I feel it’ll do quite well. It earned itself listing on platforms like Bitget, this shows the crypto is steadily moving.

  7. I like Rain – $RAIN.

    Why #RAIN ? They have daily airdrops for all token hodlers. They are decentralized with no team or advisors. They currently have a low market cap and have a fixed supply of 1 million coins. Make it Rain! Learn more at

  8. Nice bag you got there but I think Injective and Qanplatform should have made this list. Their charts and milestones this year made me pay close attention to them Another one worthy of note is Sei

  9. I’d suggest throwing in some BRC20 and QVM gems like QANX, SATS, and ORDI into your portfolio. That’s where the current hype is buzzing, and it might spice up your portfolio nicely.

  10. Y’all missing out on Constellation $DAG , literally partner/working with Department of Defence. Check their X and website.

  11. Very similar picks to myself. I have a couple microcaps too. Main one being StrikeX (STRX). I think the RWA narrative will be massive this next cycle and I think StrikeX will lead the way. Merry Christmas!

  12. Dodge ball? Sounds fun! Oh, think you meant doge 🙂

    I think these lists of older alt coins are too conservative for me. I’m interested in the next level, finding qanx / qanplatform the most enticing.

  13. Nice list, especially ATOM and AVAX. I’m missing Telecom picks like DGB or HNT. Upcoming projects like Weaver Labs (ADE) also deserve some attention, because the listing may be coming next year. Other good options are SPIN and SQT which will be coming soon.

  14. Bitcoin linked chains, such as Stacks and Sys, seem like a solid hedge against an overzealous SEC.

  15. I would add CTSI to this list along with ETH, those are my two major projects.

    Cartesi is an Application Specific Rollups capable of being deployed as a L2,L3 or Sovereign rollup. Cartesi’s VM can boot an entire Linux OS, meaning devs are not limited to a specific programming language as is the case with other blockchains and they can use any mainstream language, tools, and libraries for building DApps. The launch of the first Cartesi Rollup DApp – Honeypot, is hugely significant for the progress of the technical ecosystem as it puts the security of the Cartesi Rollups to test and also signifies readiness for real world assets. Very big on this technological innovation.

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