Litecoin is breaking out of 11Y old LTC/BTC ratio downtrend, next 1W candle on 25th March 2024

Hello everyone,

It looks like we are going to witness a little revolution about “Litecoin”. Many people don´t even remember Litecoin being Top #3, #Top10, they remember him as some old OG coin for boomers, easy to transact with, but “store of value? hah A) Charlie Sold B) It didn´t have a major price move”.

Well If I am going to tell you, we had to let it cook for a while…. for 11 long years (mainly last 7 between post 2017 bullrun and today).

This is the magic chart:

It goes all the way back into October 2013, 3D candles. Litecoin has been in dowtrend FOREVER in crypto space.
There are still believers, that due to supply (BTC 21M and LTC 84M), the real Litecoin price should be BTC/4 = 0.25 LTC/BTC

In 2024, in a world where people are searching for the next 100x meme coin, or Layer 7 DeFi on ETH channel, there is a quiet change of pace. Litecoin is rebounding from 0.001175 LTC/BTC (28th Feb) to todays value of 0.001375-0.001345 LTC/BTC.

To breakout of this eternal damnation, LTC/BTC has to hold for tommorow somewhere above 0.001337+.

I am not saying, that LTC can go to 0.25 at ratio, but… we could 30x-50x our Bitcoin and we would be still at only 0.065 LTC/BTC (50% above last ratio high at 0.04) a move that Dogecoin did against Bitcoin in it´s own eternal damnation downtrend… until it mooned.

Fly chickuns…. fly

50 thoughts on “Litecoin is breaking out of 11Y old LTC/BTC ratio downtrend, next 1W candle on 25th March 2024”

  1. ltc has an ATH of x4 its current price and you’re talking about a x30-50? you’re delusional.

  2. > There are still believers, that due to supply (BTC 21M and LTC 84M), the real Litecoin price should be BTC/4 = 0.25 LTC/BTC

    Pack it up boys, can’t argue with that logic!

  3. Everybody took profit everywhere else. Now they see litecoin barely moving after all these years. They just see it as another potential good gamble. Though it is pretty solid one since it is a OG reliable token. Like old school Toyotas, they ain’t flashy but you know it is reliable through and through.

  4. This is like the worst TA i’ve ever seen, but regardless I’m with you. I got a good bag of ltc during the bear, and I’m holding for 10x.

    This bull market? Next? Whatever. Ltc ain’t going anywhere.

  5. The real Litecoin price is determined by supply and demand. If there is no real demand for Litecoin, then that will be reflected in its price. Just because the price of Bitcoin is X, doesn’t mean the price of Litcoin should be X/4.

  6. Ltc will pump just like every other coin in the bull market. Haters gonna hate. My bags are packed.

  7. I hope for your sake you don’t have too much of your portfolio in this based on this chart or expecting a 30-50x from LTC.

  8. Given how similar it is to BTC, I don’t see why it wouldn’t have an ETF one day. It’s basically the lowest hanging fruit

  9. LTC acts like an old man, but I think when we least expect it they will pump massively

  10. On a long enough time line everything is a descending wedge downtrend about to pop.

  11. My view on litecoin is that it’s going to get picked up in the same fashion for Spot ETF. It makes sense as it’s a safe established bet like bitcoin, proof of work, no ico, if bitcoin etf got approved, the framework is identical for ltc. I’m expecting this to break out and go on a run at some point this year.

  12. Well, all eyes are on $105, the weekly 200 SMA

    Breaking this usually signals multiple x moves in every bull market since 2017

    Doge broke its weekly 200 sma a whole month ago and now up 100%+ since.

    Anyone interested in a serious laggard play, this is the coin, especially with futures trading coming in April, and the founder himself saying ETF is in the works

  13. Why not stellar lumens? I’m bout to drop 1k into stellar or litecoin. Which would yall pick?

  14. I’ve always liked LTC. It just seems to work better as a currency then BTC. It’s faster and cheaper to use.

  15. Damn bro last time I saw a chart like this was in 2020 then btc blasted to 60k lol. I’ll probably do a light litecoin trade haha. I’ve never really traded w btc pairs tho mostly only usd

  16. Kaspa has utterly superseded the need for old school PoW coins like Litecoin to exist. Kaspa has 200x the hash rate, half the block time, and 5x the TPS (50x on testnet).

  17. It’s a cool find. Maybe we’ll see a 2-5X and people taking profits but I definitely wouldn’t hope for more. Perhaps to get a boost and invest it elsewhere.

  18. How can you honestly look at that chart and be like : “yeah it’s definitely going up now!”

    Denial is strong here.

  19. Dude, 30-50x? Really? Dude…

    If you’re going to shill at least say something realistic. All this post did was encourage everyone who reads it to steer clear of LTC lmao.

  20. Litecoin is OK. I’ve moved on to Filecoin and Hedera Hbar. I need a 20X. I hope we get there.

  21. I like LTC a lot. Always have. Always will. 99% of projects will fail. LTC is in that 1%.

  22. It should be noted that Venmo added crypto, and only offers bitcoin, eth, and… lite coin

  23. 11 year down trend? LTC can barely break over 100$, BTC Is at 60k. Like imagine any software company saying after 11 years “it’s our time bro”

  24. LTC barely broke its ATH last bull run. Seing it at 22nd place is sad for the old “silver to bitcoin”, but it’s the best display of “there is no second best”.

    Don’t hold it.

  25. BCH bagholders were active yesterday. I guess today it’s the LTC bagholders turn.

  26. “11 year old downtrend breakout”

    The breakout:

  27. The idea that the price of litecoin should be a quarter of BTC because of the amount of supply makes the assumption that it will be adopted in exactly the same way as BTC, which just isn’t going to happen.

  28. well, it’s one of the assets of Greyscale

    They will know something, they are not famous for wasting money

  29. Omg. I’m so dumb!! I didn’t understand a single thing u wrote. Can someone tell me like I am 5yo????

  30. When the flappening 🐓 happens, which all LTC holders know to be inevitable, the results will be spectacular to behold.

    I’m giving it two weeks to flappen, sorry happen.

  31. There’s one very good use of the Litecoin chart, wouldn’t say that this is it though. All someone has to do is sit there and stare at the long-term chart of Litecoin and it will dawn on you before long why it is so useful

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