Ledger updates ‘Academy’ articles


What Is a Hardware Wallet?

Before: “A hardware wallet is a physical device that stores your private keys in an environment isolated from an internet connection. This means your keys will always remain offline.”

After: “A hardware wallet is a physical device that stores your private keys in an environment separated from an internet connection.”

How Does a Hardware Wallet Work?

Before: “When you use a hardware wallet to sign a transaction, it uses your private keys to confirm the transaction. Throughout the whole process, the hardware wallet guarantees your private keys remain completely offline.”

After: “When you use a hardware wallet to sign a transaction, it uses your private keys to confirm the transaction, but it also keeps them private from potential onlookers.”

Not Your Keys, Not Your Crypto (NYKNYC)

Before: “Private keys can be targeted by scammers, either physically or via your internet connection. So using a hardware wallet, which keeps your private keys offline, is essential.”

After: “Private keys can be targeted by scammers, either physically or via your internet connection. So using a hardware wallet as an extra barrier of security is essential.”

Secure Your Crypto With a Hardware Wallet

Before: “Similarly, you should never import your hardware wallet secret recovery phrase into a software wallet. This exposes your keys to the internet, again removing the protection offered by the device.”

After: “Similarly, you should never import your hardware wallet secret recovery phrase into a software wallet. This would store a copy of your keys on your internet connected device, which wouldn’t be very safe.”

15 thoughts on “Ledger updates ‘Academy’ articles”

  1. How embarassing…..they have claimed everyone upset does not really understand how a hardware wallet work. Well, they have a point: we were fooled.

  2. Ah, classic. Update history and change the definitions to match the current party line.

    Wonder when this tweet is going to be memory-holed.

  3. Nothing surprising there IMHO, they reword it so that it takes into account their new Recovery service.

    The seed still cannot leave the ledger without you approving it on the ledger device. i.e. it cannot be exported without your knowledge.

    And the ledger hardware architecture still prevent anyone from extracting your seed by hardware means, e.g. in case you lose your ledger (not the case with other hardware wallets, e.g. Trezor).

    This means that if you don’t use the Recover service, there is no difference in the security of the ledger, as long as you trust ledger to not make malicious firmware, or allow malicious firmware to run on their devices.

  4. Lol at this point i think ledger forgot what an hardware wallet is. They can’t bend the definition of hardware wallet to their needs. Just admit that ledger is not an hardware wallet anymore and get over the failure of a product you released.

    All this could have been avoided if you released a separate device with the recovery function and didn’t tamper with the already released products. For being a successful company you really have a dumb marketing team, i don’t have any experience in selling a product but i know that changing the rules after i’ve sold them is a deep betrayal and a legal precedent that people won’t forget.

    Yes there was always a degree of trust involved but that doesn’t mean you can do what you want and you’ll understand it in future. I’ve not bought your glorified usb pen and dealt with 2 idiotic buttons to hand you over my keys.

  5. Retracting on all their claims. Just shows their in this for themselves, screw the customer.

  6. I think making things clearer for nontechnical people is a goal of any high level documentation. I’m not seeing an issue here.

  7. 4 legs good 2 legs bad

    Is this grounds for another lawsuit? We thought the hardware wallet we bought was one thing, and now they’re telling us it’s something else. So they were making false claims for years.

  8. Ledger as an European company needs to comply with MiCa regulation, they are not pulling back.

  9. Ledger released this update just when I put my order in for a Ledger Nano X. I’ve decided to return it as it is still within the return window. I can’t use a wallet if there is a possibility that the seed phrase might leave it via any means.

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