Lavazza the famous Italian Coffee Brand is using Algorand to improve the traceability of it’s coffee. You can check details about the harvesting, receiving, environmental data of where the beans were grown, how the beans were processed, different varieties, shipments, all on the Algorand blockchain.

Truly amazing stuff, these transactions detail just about everything you could want to know about your coffee. I recommend digging into this post and Lavazza's website because this is what blockchain is for, providing fairness and transparency.

Harvesting details:

Receiving details:

Environmental Data details:

Processing details:

Transport details:

Varieties details:

Roasting details:

“The Reserva de ¡Tierra! Cuba is the UNIQUE’history of’a coffee that takes care of producers, consumers and the local environment. This assemblage comes from the plantations of Santiago and Granma in Cuba, where the Lavazza Foundation is involved in the pursuit of the following objectives: Preservation of forests, Improvement of agricultural practices, etc, Improving the quality of coffee, Empowering women and young people, Simplified and fair supply chain. With blockchain technology, you can trace the journey of coffee and our commitment to sustainability.”

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47 thoughts on “Lavazza the famous Italian Coffee Brand is using Algorand to improve the traceability of it’s coffee. You can check details about the harvesting, receiving, environmental data of where the beans were grown, how the beans were processed, different varieties, shipments, all on the Algorand blockchain.”

  1. This is one of the better and more transparent corporate presentations of blockchain use that I’ve seen. Sometimes the details are nowhere to be found.

    Seeing the links open up was cool and surreal considering it was a new explorer just launched this year.

  2. When you scan the QR code on a coffee bag, you will be taken to a Algorand explorer where you can view information about the coffee, such as:

    → The names and locations of the coffee farmers who grew the beans
    → The date and time the coffee was harvested
    → The processing methods used
    → The date and time the coffee was roasted and packaged
    → The carbon footprint of the coffee

  3. This is super cool. It seems like this is only for this particular special Cuban production ? I’m curious if it will be rolled out across the board.

  4. Bullish on ALGO. Real world use cases are a nice change from all the empty pumps.

  5. This is awesome. I will continue to hope that Algorand takes off during the next cycle. There is no reason it shouldn’t, but that’s just not how the hype hipsters work.

  6. More than being amazed about the real world application, I’m amazed about the details tracked about the process.

  7. The blockchain is just a modern database.

    ‘Blockchain’ is not mentioned or discussed at all by Satoshi in the BTC white paper.

  8. Im part owner of a manufacturing company and we have been looking at how we could implement something similar for our business.

  9. I’m not even a coffee aficionado but this is some seriously bold use of blockchain tech. Happy to see even the smallest bit of frothy use-cases

  10. Cool, but why couldn’t this just be a database collecting supply chain data? What makes blockchain necessary here? 

  11. I’ve never understood the use of blockchain in the food chain? Sure, you can brand each bean with an immutable ID so it’s traceable. However, how do I prevent Miguel changing the beans once it is assigned an ID or how do I prevent the 1 traceable bag of beans being merged with the 9999 bags of slave labour coffee beans without honest and transparent QA along the entire food chain to the supermarket shelf.

    Seems like a solution looking for a problem for all crypto

  12. I don’t want to be a downer, and I agree this is a legit use case for crypto, but…

    Even as someone who drinks an unhealthy amount of coffee, does like the idea of sustainable environmentally friendly agriculture practices, and also doesn’t mind paying a reasonable premium if it means all the workers along the way make a fair wage… I still don’t care enough to actually spend time verifying any of that stuff on a blockchain.

  13. Positive Algorand posts? We are back in the bull run. I’d been skeptical up until now

  14. Whatever happened to Vechain? This was exactly their proclaimed use case, but it seems like nothing ever came of it.

    Or OriginTrail, which seems to mainly throw around AI buzzwords nowadays, but was also once shilled for this use case.

  15. I’m a noob, but how would you go about implementing such a system for a pharmaceutical goods supply chain, whereby the end-consumer (patient/hospital) would be able to trace different variables (temperature, weight, storage conditions etc) at various nodes in the supply chain? The nodes being different transit points ie. Manufacturing warehouse > cargo warehouse > freighting agents > distributors > sub stockists > hospitals > patients

    Where would you start if you were a distributor of Pharma goods? In view of increasing transparency and accountability on a decentralised ledger

  16. Lots of exciting stuff happening in this area. This will revolutionise how we think about what we buy and our confidence. More power to the consumer – go Algo. This related news also interesting:

  17. I think the italian beer company “peroni” also uses blockchain to show details about the beer and farmers

  18. This isn’t anything new in our beloved crypto space. 

    Origintrail ($TRAC) is doing exactly what this post is about and alot more. Origintrails decentralized knowledge graph (DKG) is one of the most adopted real world use cases out there at the moment. 

    Start your dyor here 👇

    Outside supplychain and trustworthy product traceability, the DKG solves the ai hallucination problem by feeding ai trusted and verifiable data. Look up: retrieval augmented generation (RAG) for more info about this topic. Basically the DKG could become the de facto trustworthy knowledge baselayer for all AI!

    Origintrail and the DKG is one the biggest innovations in this space and we’ll be hearing ALOT about OT in the future 😉

  19. The guy in the drive thru can’t even remember to put the hot sauce packet in the bag at Bojangles…

    Look at how much detail and care goes into this at Lavazza! 🥰

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