🤩June has been a remarkable month for PancakeSwap v3! We’ve seen substantial growth in our key metrics and marked a critical multichain milestone.

🤩June has been a remarkable month for PancakeSwap v3! We've seen substantial growth in our key metrics and marked a critical multichain milestone.

We're happy to announce that PancakeSwap v3 has officially deployed on the Polygon zkEVM Mainnet and joined Linea Voyage's DeFi Week as a Testnet Ecosystem Partner.

🥞 Our total v3 trading volume rose to an astounding $3,513,790,000, a noticeable step up from last month's volume, and marks a month-on-month growth of 🔼3.74%.

A key highlight on ETH v3 trading volume in particular where we see a notable 🔼74% month-on-month growth. See the breakdown between BNB Chain and Ethereum below:

TVL for ETH v3 also saw a significant increase this month, reaching $51,640,000. This represents a 🔼15.0% month-on-month growth compared to May's figures.

💫These milestones are just the beginning, as we have much more in store. We're currently preparing our Q3 roadmap, detailing our plans for the upcoming months! 🗺️

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