I hate those “I hope bitcoin falls further so I can buy more” posts

Bitcoin was at 25k for like 2 entire years. If you didn't buy then, you won't buy now. Shut up!

I am here for the rocket ship.

Send IT!

P.S. – Instead of wishing bitcoin price drops, take time to study how satoshi invented bitcoin. Knowledge is power.

50 thoughts on “I hate those “I hope bitcoin falls further so I can buy more” posts”

  1. Yea everyone gets btc at the price they deserve not at the price they wish for. They don’t understand that until it’s too late and they only getting a few sats.

  2. Those people are awesome. They’re gonna be forced to buy higher. It’s people like that who build higher lows for Bitcoin.

  3. “I want it to be valued appropriately by the market when I want to sell but undervalued by the market when I want to buy” is a pretty juvenile wish.

  4. I didn’t start stacking sats until mid February this year, but I’m not going to let “I should have gotten in earlier” eat me away because of two things:

    I didn’t the capital for it before and I also didn’t even really know about it.

    I’m okay where I’m at. I’m just here for the ride.

  5. I didn’t have money when it was cheaper and now I still don’t have money

  6. I hate those “I hate those “I hope bitcoin falls further so I can buy more” posts”.

  7. Bitcoin was well over 50k before I even became old enough to invest. I will hope as much as I fucking want mmkay.

  8. Here’s another quote you might also hate: “Everyone get Bitcoin at the price they deserve.”

  9. I’m more like if it goes down it will get me even more for less. I buy with every paychecks

  10. Your logic falls apart the second you run into someone who did buy back then and still wants it to drop again….

  11. This was me and I hate myself for it. I’ve since read the bitcoin standard and understand it’s more than just an investment. In for the long haul now, the ups and downs lfg.

  12. I’m waiting for it to break above $73 and I’ll take a stab at the breakout. Buy high sell higher.

  13. It really was, my portfolio didn’t move for like 6+ months straight in 2023

  14. All the bonus money I was gonna drop into BTC went into my stupid knee (ACL surgery)

  15. Maybe they were buying but didn’t have the funds to put what they wanted in and have a goal of an amount they wanted to reach but it went up while they were stuck on their fixed income… but now they want it to go down so they can reach their x.x before it rips harder?

    Just a thought to consider

  16. Thats how the market works
    I cant go up all the time
    New non stupid people wont buy at ath specially whales

  17. Salary comes in monthly, so the longer it stays low, the more one can accumulate. Totally understandable.

  18. Ok so cuz someone didn’t buy at 25 they aren’t buying now? That’s just fucking stupid and shows how little you really know

  19. I barely started stacking in novemeber. I’m not that up but I’m up an amount that’s made it worth it instead of savings at this point. It’s not too late!

  20. I barely started stacking in novemeber. I’m not that up but I’m up an amount that’s made it worth it instead of savings at this point. It’s not too late!

  21. I barely started stacking in novemeber. I’m not that up but I’m up an amount that’s made it worth it instead of savings at this point. It’s not too late!

  22. Similar to “should I put x000’s into bitcoin now” – if you have 000’s to put in, why not do it a year ago?!

  23. I think those messages are coming from people who was not familiar with bitcoin before when it was cheaper than now

  24. Translation: “I’m done buying so I only want it to go up. Fuck all you other fucks.”

  25. I got in around December of last year and pushed hard and got to a decent amount so far. Lack of understanding is what my issue was. Now I learn everyday about far more than bitcoin. It drug me into all of it and I dig it.

  26. Well, a drop would be healthy for the future growth.

    The line can’t just be green.

    It needs to be red sometimes, to be able to grow more.

  27. This sub is pretty toxic to anyone that isn’t brown nosing btc. Pretty ironic since most people have recently jumped on the bandwagon since it pumped

  28. im still waiting for 25k, then if it gets there i will assume it willl to to 20k, rinse repeat

  29. It’s just greed. Then the second they buy in they ask why it’s going down as if the price should be perfectly tailored for their entry.

  30. Block those morons and move on. They aren’t serious people and will never have any valuable contributions to anything.

  31. Block those morons and move on. They aren’t serious people and will never have any valuable contributions to anything.

  32. Remember you are in a bitcoin forum on Reddit. This is akin to being in a sports bar. On a Friday night. With a lot of drunks. But mostly drunk kids.

    Plan accordingly.

  33. They are the same people that once it drops to 55k will be saying “it’s gonna go to 40k!” And then get left fomoing in at 80k.

  34. Mate I was here all the way to the bottom of the bear market and those clowns were still making those posts.

    They never held and they never bought.

  35. Back in 2019 there was a bunch of saltbags who thought bitcoin would drop below 1K while it was pumping above 10K. The salt got really intense in 2021, you can imagine. The people saying this now are the same people from back then. Imagine their emotions in 2025 when we are pumping 300K+.

  36. Can’t speak for anyone else, but I was a broke university student who couldn’t convince my parents on the economics of bitcoin. Now working a lovely corporate job, I can wholeheartedly say I wish bitcoin dumped so I can stack it

  37. Same people who say they’ll buy when it goes down are the same people who say “see I told you bitcoin is a scam” not worth our time, move on and move forward.

  38. I had the money to buy a whole coin at 16k last year and despite my bravado years before (i swear i’ll buy one when i can afford it!) I only bought fractions and now I’m kicking myself once again lol

    Otherwords, OP is right haha

  39. People in general are morons and far more like sheep than they’d like to think. Even the more intelligent ones. Far fewer people are interested nor talk about bitcoin (or other assets) when it’s cheap. FUD has set in by then for the majority mindset. Everyone wants-in and wants to talk about crypto when it’s going up and nearing its ATH. People by nature love to buy high and sell low. It’s hilarious how little people think for themselves and are guided by other’s actions.

  40. It’s so funny hearing the I would if it was cheaper nonsense, no you wouldn’t because you didn’t last year when it was cheaper. And even if it was cheaper, you’d talk yourself out of it again because you would think it’s going to tank and not want to lose your money. Either buy it now or don’t buy it but saying it’s to expensive is the same as complaining its too cheap. In other words, you’re going to come up with an excuse not to buy. Your not buying weather its high or low so stop asking.

  41. Lots of people asked me if Bitcoin was going to go back up when it was around $20k and I was always like “YES. Study bitcoin and take a small position around here soon, because you will never see Bitcoin this low again”

    Those same people all hit me up when Bitcoin goes from $40k to $70 asking if now is a good time to buy.

    The human brain buys high and sells low by default.

  42. Out of work/minimal work 2 years ago, lots of work now. Not always the perspective you think it is

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