Happy 10th birthday Monero!

Thank you devs!

A decade of Monero pushing the boundaries of digital cash πŸŽ‰

Take a few minutes today to remember that Monero is not some autonomous thing, but is made up of the hard-working devs, researchers, and community members who take time out of their lives to help create and improve a powerful tool for freedom.

Know any of the people working their asses off to make Monero better? Send them a quick “thank you” message or donation today for all they've done! Working on Monero is HARD but immensely valuable, and those working on Monero should know how grateful we are.

Credits: https://twitter.com/sethforprivacy/status/1780917163777200540

9 thoughts on “Happy 10th birthday Monero!”

  1. A reminder that Monero is one of the few cryptocurrencies that actually work as private and fungible money like cash.

    It’s therefore not surprising that it’s one of the few projects that is state attacked through various means. If you are interested in more on this topic I recommend to read this: https://np.reddit.com/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/12jprny/proposed_state_attack_on_the_coin_that_shall_not/

  2. Happy birthday to “your favorite band’s favorite band”. Always overlooked

  3. Never bought or lost monero in a boating accident but I appreciate the value it’s brought to the space.

    It’s one of the few examples on this sub where people talk about privacy in regards to cryptocurrency. It’s like the sub wakes up and remembers some of the core principles from the first 4-5 years where people talked about the true societal value of crypto and not the price in USBdollars

    Edit: a b

  4. Happy birthday Monero!! The true currency we know we can always rely on to keep us safe from governmental overreach. Will always keep my stack no matter what, and buy more every chance I get.

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