Hachiko, possible scam?

Hi everyone, I purchased HACHIKO 0x7bfebd989ef62f7f794d9936908565da42fa6d70 via Uniswap, but when I tried to sell, it wasn't possible.

In addition, I'm attaching some screenshots of users who appear to have sold or traded the token successfully. What are your thoughts on this?



So, I contacted Uniswap's customer service, and they replied as follows:

Sara (Uniswap Labs)

Aug 19, 2023, 23:25 GMT-11


Thanks for reaching out to Uniswap Labs!

The Hachiko token has a sell limit of 0.00000099 HACHIKO in the contract. This means that you can only sell this small amount of the token at a time, and not the amount you are trying to swap. View this information here: https://honeypot.is/ethereum?address=0x7bfebd989ef62f7f794d9936908565da42fa6d70

The token creators do this by adding specific code into the token.

Below are a few resources that may be helpful:

  • Token Sniffer
  • GoPlus Labs
  • Honeypot Detector
  • How to identify DeFi scams

If you have any other questions or concerns please feel free to reach out.

Thank you,Sara

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4 thoughts on “Hachiko, possible scam?”

  1. I bet you did more research on the coin after you bought it than before.

  2. Yeah it’s extremely common

    Don’t buy shitcoins. You’ll lose money via a scam or a dump, neither is helpful.

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