GROKX now have audit on Certik! MC only 1.4m, prepare for took off!

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Contract: 0xa7ffb399d44eb830f01751052C75d14f0b47E779
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Tax on Buy/Sell: 3%/3%
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Grok X isn't just another meme coin; it's a playful revolution in the cryptocurrency world. Developed in collaboration with the renowned artist Matt Furie, creator of Pepe the Frog, Grok X aims to bring joy, positivity, and a fresh approach to decentralized finance. Built on the BSC standard, Grok X encourages community engagement, embraces humor, and incorporates charitable initiatives. Join the Hoppy movement and experience a new era in crypto with Grok X!
Note: Due diligence is always advised in the volatile world of cryptocurrency. Invest wisely.

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