Geezer newbie respons to your tragedy

First, I am indeed saddened and horrified at what you have experienced. No one deserves that. We don't know whether it was a huge amount or a small amount. Nevertheless, it was yours and no one had the right to take it from you. On 1 January 2024, I posted my SERIOUS fears about the Uniswap app at the Play Store. I downloaded it and was horrified that when I attempted to connect it to my Ledger it clearly and openly asked for my seed phrase. My 80th birthday is less than a month away. So, I've seen a lot. This request for my seed phrase scared me instantly and I deleted the app and reported it via this thread. Several here on Reddit questioned my story and swore that the Play Store app isn't a fake. Even called me a troll. From your story, I can only assume that you downloaded the fake app from the Play Store. Afterwards, I went only to and launched the app there. At that site, as soon as you press the launch button, a small screen pops up at the bottom telling you to download the app while exhibiting the Play Store logo. Many would be tempted to do that. But, I canceled that screen and proceeded to execute my first transaction. Also, on that site there is another screen that says “Update Available” and “Update Now”, while showing the Play Store logo. I am surprised that Uniswap allows those kinds of criminal intrusions onto its official site. I pray that you were not fatally harmed by your sad experience!

2 thoughts on “Geezer newbie respons to your tragedy”

  1. Uniswap Reddit Auto mod post

    1. Never share your Secret Recovery Phrase with any site or person. Do not enter your Secret Recover Phrase into a pop-up window.
      Verify links are legitimate. Scammers often use these tactics.

    2. Beware of fake websites. The official website for Uniswap is

    3. Beware of fake Twitter/X accounts. The official Twitter is

    4. Our official Discord is

    5. Uniswap Support will never DM you. We only handle support through and
      Scammers use DMs to try and get access to your wallet.

    6. Do not click on suspicious links or files. This can lead to your device security being compromised.

    7. Do not “sync” or “validate” your wallet with any websites or forms. This is a scam. Never sync and share: QR Codes, Secret Recovery phrases, private keys, etc.

    8. Uniswap Labs has no plans for an airdrop, regardless of any information you may have seen elsewhere.

    I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns.

  2. There is an official app for the Uniswap wallet it’s on the Play Store and the Apple App Store.

    The wallet gives you the option of creating a new wallet or importing your current wallet.

    The Uniswap wallet is a Self-Custodial wallet, over which only the user who holds the recovery phrase has control.
    The app has gone through multiple audits for safety.

    Please verify that you download the correct app. or do link to the official app.

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