First Swap, Help!

I bought 20 bucks of Ethereum so I could swap it for KENDU INU. I couldn’t see a way to buy it directly. Now I’m trying to swap and it says it won’t cover the cost? Can anyone help me out here?

8 thoughts on “First Swap, Help!”

  1. Uniswap Reddit Auto mod post

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  2. The ETH market is at high demand right now so gas prices are high 15$ as you can see unfortunately you do have to pay these and because of that you do not have enough. You pay gas prices on all orders to trade any ETH coin but fortunately they fluctuate throughout the day based on demand.

  3. Yeah try swapping late at night at 1:00 in the a.m. for lowered prices..that’s just the transaction cost…you want 10 dollars worth in eth plus the 15 dollar transaction fee..equals 25 dollars worth of might try wrapping whatever ether your trying to spend not including the transaction fee as it might make the transaction cheaper…eth to weth
    (But you still need Eth for all transactions)

  4. The error literally says you don’t have enough ETH.

    Buy more ETH and you’ll be able to swap.

  5. Swap $BOOE instead. It will be huge.

    Check out BOOE/WETH on DEX Screener!

  6. Why does everyone love ETH so much. If this was real life and we went to get $ from my bank and they charged 20-60% fees we would laugh at them.

  7. Did you figure this out? You need to lower the conversion to pay for gas. Go to metamask where gas isnt 15$

  8. You have to pay a fee for swapping. This fee is paid in Eth. The amount of this fee varies depending on how busy the network is. The fee could get a high as $100-200. Make sure you have enough Eth in your wallet to cover the gas fee. By making the swap at a time when it’s not busy, like 2am or on red days, the fees will be cheaper. Good luck

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