Display Bug After Firmware Update


I wasnt using my Nano S for a year and today needed to use it. I upgraded ledger live and did a firmware update and updated my device to latest 2.1.0.

Now when I connect the device, the screen is distorted. What should I do?

Thanks in advance.

15 thoughts on “Display Bug After Firmware Update”

  1. Based off of your video (thanks for providing this by the way), I can definitely see exactly what you’re talking about. When you enter each unique PIN number, there should be no form of screen movement as depicted here – it’s just the static PIN entry that you’re most likely used to.

    Could you open a ticket with us at our support page, here?

    Once you’ve opened a ticket directly with us, we can diagnose the situation, get a better idea of what might be happening here – and make sure that you, and your device are all taken care of.

  2. That has got to be very frustrating. I fear these type of anomalies. Please keep us updated on a fix.

  3. – Ledger: you just have put your KEYs there, ya know, for security purposes. We want you to be safe.. Just enter your KEYs in your ferpectly safe ledger and you’ll be fine. Is not like we want your KEYs for anything.

    Get the f*ck out of ledger bro. Is a hotwallet.

  4. My Nano X started doing something similar but that was only after about the third time I ran it through the washer and dryer 😩 oops

  5. I posted here as well when the new update was released. https://www.reddit.com/r/ledgerwallet/comments/14odcnz/can_i_not_update_to_the_latest_ledger_live/

    Ledger, please let your users choose whether to update, not holding users at ransom for not updating firmware, i.e. not allowing users to transfer funds without updating.

    This is exactly why I choose not to update my device, don’t fix what is not broken.

  6. This is Ledger’s way to cull old devices?
    I think they have stop selling/support for Nana S devices. Correct me if I am wrong.

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