Did XRP just bottom against Bitcoin?

This Cointelegraph article is making a case for an XRP bottom against BTC. As far as I am concerned, the charts make complete sense but I would also like to hear your thoughts on this.

Could this be an actual XRP bottom?

Coingecko listing: https://www.coingecko.com/en/coins/xrp

3 thoughts on “Did XRP just bottom against Bitcoin?”

  1. I think Iva Wisher from Prom made some really good points in the article. As long as there are legal battles going on with the SEC the price will most likely stagnate. That sucks but I hope it will end soon.

  2. I don’t know about you, but at the moment I’m buying xrp because it seems quite calm to me, and because of asi merge I’m also buying Ocean Protocol… we’ll see if it pays off. You?

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