Coinbase App ranks now outside Top 100 at Apple App Store

Looks like we're experiencing now a healthy correction with Bitcoin and entire crypto industry ahead of Bitcoin halving.

I personally don't like Bitcoin price moving up so fast ahead of Bitcoin halving. And at the same time memecoins being pumped to crazy gains of 1,000x – giving masses entering now a false sense of nothing could go wrong.

10 days ago Coinbase app ranked as high as 44th in Apple App Store and things start to feel as local top will be reached within 2 weeks.
Today we got a correction and Coinbase app now ranks 136th.

One of the indicators “predicting” top of crypto bull cycle is when Coinbase app ranks in Top 10 in Apple App Store.

I know now with Bitcoin Spot ETFs showing up, it does feel as this new cycle will be different but still – I'm watching this indicator closely to get a feel when crypto markets could enter an overheating mode.

There is one more indicator – even better in predicting tops, but let's now have a discussion if you like this Coinbase app ranking as a “crypto top” predicting indicator first.

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13 thoughts on “Coinbase App ranks now outside Top 100 at Apple App Store”

  1. I made few charts like the one shared in this post – for last 8 years and this Coinbase app ranking predicted correctly last 2 bull cycles tops. If you want can share few more charts.

    Does anybody else track Coinbase app ranking to predict top of the crypto bull cycle or help you decide when to start taking profits and exiting crypto markets?

  2. Whew..

    Gonna be a LOT of angry people soon.

    Wait’ll they get a load of all the shenanigans (I called them!) on Coinbase.


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