Can’t move ethereum out of meta mask

Trying to send some ethereum to my cake wallet I keep getting this error idk what it even means I have reinstalled tried pc and app I have tried all kinds of small transactions and nothing

8 thoughts on “Can’t move ethereum out of meta mask”

  1. Beep Boop

    1. Never share your Secret Recovery Phrase with any site or a person. MetaMask does not use Gmail or web forms. Do not enter your Secret Recover Phrase into a pop-up window, even if it looks like MetaMask. Verify links are legitimate. Scammers often use these tactics.

    2. Beware of fake websites. The official website for MetaMask is

    3. MetaMask Support will never DM you. This is a common tactic scammers use to try and get access to your wallet.

    4. If you need to reach Support: open MetaMask, then menu > Support. The ‘Start a Conversation’ button will start a chat, the bot asks a few questions to help route you to the correct team. You can also visit the Support site from the web:

    5. Do not click on suspicious links or files. This can lead to your device security being compromised.

    6. Do not “sync” or “validate” your wallet with any websites or forms. This is a scam. Never sync and share: QR Codes, Secret Recovery Phrase, private key, etc.

    7. Never call phone numbers, text Whatsapp numbers, DM on Discord, use WeChat or do video chat with people on this subreddit. MetaMask does not offer customer support in this manner. There is NO exclusive MetaMask Discord.

    8. We don’t ask for an email address to create a wallet. We can’t email you. We will never ask you to verify or upgrade/merge your wallet.–

    9. .MetaMask currently has no plans for an airdrop, regardless of any information you may have seen elsewhere. If you encounter anyone explaining the best method to maximize the size of a MetaMask-related ‘airdrop’ you might receive, they’re lying. In particular, be wary of scams (aimed at getting your Secret Recovery Phrase) that weaponize this topic.

    I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns.

  2. How much are the gas fees? That error sounds like you’re trying to send more than you’re able to due to gas fees being more than is still left over

  3. You don’t have enough Ethereum in your wallet to cover the transaction fee (gas fee) required to send the transaction on the Ethereum network. You’ll need to ensure you have enough Ethereum to cover both the amount you’re sending and the transaction fee. If your balance is enough for the transaction but not for the fee, consider transferring a bit more Ethereum into your wallet to cover the fee.

  4. If you have $100 worth of ETH and it costs $10 to send a transaction, you really only have $90+ the transaction (gas) fee. Try to send a smaller amount, in the future keep note that fees on ETH can go extremely high and are NOT relative to the amount of $ you are sending, so its best to avoid using ETH for smaller amounts most of the time.

    If you get the timing right you can pay less fees, but don’t count on it

  5. This usually happens when you send ETH and select the MAX button. Imo, MetaMask should account for the gas fee when selecting MAX, but it is what it is.

    The key number in the message is the overshot, which is the amount of ETH in wei you would need to complete the transaction. So try sending your MAX – 0.00582 ETH.

  6. Are you attempting to withdraw all ETH from the wallet and leave 0? You just need to do some simple math

    A simple transfer costs 21,000 wei and assuming gas fee is 25 gwei then, 21000*25000000000 (25gwei) = 525,000,000,000,000 wei or 0.000525 ETH

    So you set gas fee to 25 gwei (idk 23 base 2 priority?) and subtract the total gas calculated before from ETH you are transferring, and you will liquidate your wallet to 0

    However check prior to sending, use the fast gas price, maybe a little higher to give yourself some room, so the transaction wont get stuck, since you will not have any ETH left to drop and replace.

    Edit: typos and formatting

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