Bitcoin Rolling 4 Year Compound Annual Growth Rate

Currently sets around 32%

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2 thoughts on “Bitcoin Rolling 4 Year Compound Annual Growth Rate”

  1. The math checks out:

    Price 4 years ago: 9848
    Price today: 30144

    30144 / 9848 = 3.061

    This means that today’s price is more than three times the price from four years ago.

    Find x such that:

    x^4 = 3.061  
    log(x^4) = log(3.061)  
    4 * log(x) = log(3.061)  
    log(x) = log(3.061) / 4  
    exp(log(x)) = exp(log(3.061) / 4)  
    x = exp(log(3.061) / 4)  
    x = 1.328  

    Let’s double check:

    >>> pow(1.323, 4)  

    Close enough.

    Looking at the value of x, we can infer that the CAGR over the last 4 years is about 32% per year, compounded.

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