Bitcoin reached new all time high against Argentinian Pesos, Turkish Lyra and Venezuelan Bolívar Fuerte. This is exactly what an hedge against inflation do, yet the IMF is discouraging Argentina from adopting Bitcoin with the $45 billion debt deal and a lot of “experts” are still in denial.

Even the last argument against Bitcoin has been confuted. Bitcoin IS an hedge against inflation.

Maybe, just maybe, with the US debt reaching new ATH in the next years, Blackrock is only getting prepared. Some commentators have said in this days “Why BR did that? They do not waste their time with pointless operations, never. What do they know that we don't?”.

I wanna be naive this time and think that they don't know nothing we don't know.

And ETFs aside, IMF has shown, at the very least and always naivel speaking, an inadeguate comprehension of this asset.

“Banning Bitcoin -“crypto”- could not be effective in the long term” they say. The reality is, banning Bitcoin would be detrimental. It's like finding the most effective cure for cancer ever conceived but refusing to use it.

21 thoughts on “Bitcoin reached new all time high against Argentinian Pesos, Turkish Lyra and Venezuelan Bolívar Fuerte. This is exactly what an hedge against inflation do, yet the IMF is discouraging Argentina from adopting Bitcoin with the $45 billion debt deal and a lot of “experts” are still in denial.”

  1. The US dollar is strong in Argentina’s currency culture. This explains the preference for USDT.

  2. Taleb is such a sensitive guy, lol. Whoever is the bitcoiner that was mean to him years ago should apologize so he can stop embarrassing himself on tv.

  3. The two CNBC hosts that now seem pro BTC in this were completely opposed last time I watched about a month ago.

  4. Thanks for the correction! Next time I’ll make sure to check my spelling before making a Lyra mistake.

  5. The year is 2035, Bitcoin mass adoption is in a majority of countries globally. Poverty is consistently declining and global sentiment towards bankers are at an all time low. Usury has been outlawed in majority of countries and the world are in talks to ratify a UN resolution against it. It is beyond obvious now that Bitcoin will bring about an unprecedented golden age for mankind.

    Peter Schiff, Nasem Taleb, Paul Krugman: “Bitcoin is going to zero.”

  6. The funniest part is the BTC/ARS chart is not taking the real currency exchange rate common people can have access. It should be the double, ~15m pesos por each BTC.

  7. He is a buffoon. Here is what is going on with him. He actually wrote the Foreword for The Bitcoin Standard. Then Saifedean said something offensive to him. He is a petty, self absorbed, and pretentious man, who post videos of himself deadlifting and eating squid ink pasta. He got hos feelings hurt and decided the best way to get back at Saifedean (who is also a pretentious jerk by the way like many of the bitcoin “thought leaders” and podcasters) was to bash bitcoin. His arguments to Joe in this video is very weak and kudos to CNBC for calling out the easily offended childish man.

  8. I think the IMF is like the business that keeps telling its workers the business is good and making money. Then when they come to work the doors are locked and the store has been emptied.

  9. All these old farts so desperate to live in denial trying to fight for that falling house of cards, you’re done, nothing will stop Bitcoin, you can fart till your stinky grave, take your shitty FIAT with you.

  10. You need to learn some English and spelling and grammar. But otherwise, hey, good post. : –

  11. Based on the data we have so far, BTCUSD is (slightly) negatively correlated with US CPI. Therefore, empirically BTC is not a hedge against USD price inflation. There is more data to suggest that BTC might be an effective hedge against monetary inflation, but it’s unclear if it’s a better hedge than S&P (from a risk/reward standpoint). This might change in the future, but as of right now, it’s simply a fact.

  12. Petty transactions he says real estate deals are getting done in BTC in El Salvador. The thing he said about money laundering is on point though but people who don’t understand BTC flip the concept around.

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