Are there anyone really using a DIY PiTrezor? Is it trustable?

Hello, I'm considering to get myself a Trezor Safe 3 but it's a bit expensive for my and the shipping fee takes more than a half of it's price. So I did some research on DIY Trezor since I remember that Trezor is an open source hardware wallet.

Although there was many projects using similar, even the same, components that a real Trezor was using, after did some comparison, buying a RaspberryPi Zero ,maybe better not to choose the W version, with an OLED hat and use the PiTrezor firmware seems to be the most time and finance efficient way to make a DIY HW.

I know that goods will not comes without price, but I almost couldn't find any posts that are talking about it's security and daily usage, only some demonstrations and tutorials.

So I'm concerning on how could we comfirm it's security, or maybe there was some posts about this but I just didn't find them. I found that source codes of the modified Trezor firmware and the linux layer that PiTrezor was using are all avaliable on GitHub. And I'm pretty interesting about how many people are really using it as a normal Trezor.

Thank you guys!

7 thoughts on “Are there anyone really using a DIY PiTrezor? Is it trustable?”

  1. Please bear in mind that no one from the Trezor team would send you a private message first.
    If you want to discuss a sensitive issue, we suggest contacting our Support team via the Troubleshooter:

    No one from the Trezor team (Reddit mods, Support agents, etc) would ever ask for your recovery seed!
    Beware of scams and phishings:

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  2. If you are going down the PiZero path, then make a Seedsigner, but note that Seedsigner is a stateless signing device, unlike Trezor it doesn’t store your mnemonic seed when powered down, so you need to import your seed words to spend (you link Seedsigner to a desktop wallrt like SparrowWallet)

  3. Trustable isn’t the same as security, basically the physical security for anything Raspberry Pi based is basically zero.

    If you want to DIY a Trezor I recently did a video on this using proper STM32 boards. If you are happy to do a bit of soldering you can do a Trezor One for under $20 USD. (Though to the clear, the Safe3 offers better security than the older Trezor models)

    Basically using a proper STM32 board gives you a much higher level of physical security than piTrezor.

  4. Sometimes trezor has a sale on. Keep an eye out on the official trezor website

  5. PiTrezor uses a Raspberry Pi which has a network stack == UNSAFE

    Just buy a STM32 development board and it is a much cheaper / better solution.

    u/Crypto-Guide has a good howto:

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