ApeX Protocol Aims to Boost $APEX Value with Strategic Initiatives

According to this report the $Apex token is about to go through some major changes.

  • Token supply reduction: Total $APEX supply will be cut in half to 500 million through quarterly burns, starting with a 150 million burn on Jan 18th.

  • Liquidity incentives: New liquidity pools on various DEXs across chains will offer rewards in both hosting DEX tokens and $APEX.

  • Staking program upgrade: Users can now lock their staked tokens for higher yields, rewarding loyal community members and increasing liquidity.


  • Increase $APEX valuation by reducing supply and boosting demand.

  • Empower the community and attract new users through cross-chain liquidity pools and staking incentives.

  • Cement ApeX Protocol's position as a leading player in the DeFi space.

Coingecko listing: https://www.coingecko.com/en/coins/apex-token

2 thoughts on “ApeX Protocol Aims to Boost $APEX Value with Strategic Initiatives”

  1. Damn, seems like the changes are already affecting the price. That January run is insane lol

  2. This is a good plan and I think all tokens should have some sort of burn mechanism in place. It just makes sense in the long run.

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