AMA with Cartesi (Verifiable Linux on Ethereum): Introducing Honeypot – First Cartesi Rollups DApp on Mainnet

Hello, r/cryptocurrency, thanks for having us for another AMA!

Many of you may be wondering about the new banner you've seen live on this subreddit, which is about Cartesi Rollups on the mainnet and the launch of our first DApp – the Honeypot. Curious to hear what’s all this about? We'll be here answering your questions on Friday, September 29, from 1 pm UTC until around 3 pm UTC.

About us
Cartesi is an app-specific rollup protocol with a virtual machine that runs Linux distributions, creating a richer and broader design space for DApp developers. Cartesi Rollups offer a modular scaling solution, deployable as L2, L3, or sovereign rollups, while maintaining strong base layer security guarantees.

Introducing Honeypot: The First Cartesi Rollup DApp on Mainnet

Honeypot 🍯 is now live on the Ethereum Mainnet! Take your shot at hacking it and see if you can win 35,000 CTSI (and counting – the amount will grow based on compounding 8% weekly allocations from the Cartesi Foundation).

Honeypot is a DApp designed to allow developers to challenge the security of Cartesi Rollups. It is not designed for users to interact with.

Being the first Cartesi-powered DApp on Mainnet, Honeypot highlights Cartesi architecture and opens a new chapter for the Cartesi ecosystem. As we test and fortify Honeypot, it boosts the confidence of developers (and users!) in the security of Cartesi's tech, making it ready for more DApps holding real assets.

If you’re a web3 builder, you can jump straight into Honeypot’s Github repository and follow the instructions to start poking around with the DApp. If you don’t consider yourself a web3 builder, stick around to learn more about it and see if someone is able to hack it…

We have several Cartesi contributors present to answer your questions today:
u/GCdePaula (Gabriel) – Cartesi Rollups Reference Implementation Unit
u/guidanoli – (Guilherme) Cartesi Rollups Reference Implementation Unit
u/fargento (Felipe) – Cartesi Foundation Advisor
u/shahinxahmed (Shaheen) – Cartesi DevAdvocacy Unit
u/Max_Cartesi (Max) – Cartesi Ecosystem Growth Unit

After the AMA, we will choose our favorite question to receive a Cartesi t-shirt. It's time to bring out your best questions, whether they're thought-provoking, creative, or funny. We'd love to hear from you! The winner will be contacted via our official Reddit account, u/cartesi, to arrange postage.

Keep up to date with Cartesi news and developments:

7 thoughts on “AMA with Cartesi (Verifiable Linux on Ethereum): Introducing Honeypot – First Cartesi Rollups DApp on Mainnet”

  1. Cartesi has burned a total of 8,100 moons to rent our banners for 5 days and host this AMA. Transactions here:

    Current daily discussion direct link here:

  2. Thanks for doing the AMA! Honeypot seems like an interesting application, but I’m curious: does the honeypot have some “known” exploit you have introduced as a challenge/game? Or is the task to find an exploit in the latest and greatest cartesi version?

  3. Does bridging assets to each L3 work as we’re used to doing now?

    This is the issue I see with the Ethereum ecosystem long term.

    ETH seems to be moving towards what the Cosmos ecosystem has in place, except Cosmos L1s can move assets among each-other over IBC, whereas ETH L2s and L3s require bridging.

  4. Awesome seeing Cartesi doing an AMA here! Keep up the great work, folks! I’m really excited for the future of this ecosystem!

  5. Thanks for holding this AMA, really like this project.

    Appart from the reward for hacking your Honeypot, do you envision hiring people that achieve certain tasks in future challenges?

  6. Welcome, its great to have you here!

    Do top100 adresses still hold 90% of CTSI and being proof of stake does that make it centralized?

    I notice you use GraphQL for querying the state of Rollups instance, can you eli5 why you choose graphql?

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