AMA: Cryptex Finance Introduces Cryptex V2 – Trade the Entire Crypto Market Cap with up to 20x leverage!

Hello everyone!

We are u/JoeCryptex and u/tommatz, the co-founders behind Cryptex Finance, a multi-network DeFi protocol that aims to make crypto-native markets tradable.

From 11am EST to 12pm EST today, we will host an AMA to answer your questions about Cryptex V2, our innovative decentralized perpetual markets platform. With V2, we're allowing users to trade crypto-native markets with up to 20x leverage, starting with TCAP / Total Crypto Market Cap and releasing more markets soon.

V2 went live to the public last week with $100,000 in incentives for the first 90 days, including $50,000 in our governance token, CTX, and $50,000 in Arbitrum’s governance token, ARB.

In the first week, it’s surpassed $1M+ in trading volume. You can view more data metrics about V2 on Dune

Head over to Cryptex.Finance to try it out and fire your questions away! Cryptex Finance is not available in restricted jurisdictions, including the United States.

About Cryptex

Founded in April 2021, Cryptex Finance was created with the mission of leading the way for a more accessible, secure, and transparent financial future.

We started with the tokenization of TCAP, the world's first total crypto market cap token, and have since expanded our offerings with JPEGz, an NFT Blue-Chip Index token. We worked together with Chainlink to create highly accurate custom price oracles, and real-time market prices for the tokens we track, ensuring maximum precision in price determination through custom price oracles.

Now we're taking it a step further by introducing Cryptex V2, a groundbreaking decentralized perpetual markets platform that allows users to long or short crypto-native markets with up to 20x leverage!

This platform has been developed in collaboration with Perennial Labs, leveraging their on-chain decentralized leverage perpetual system, providing a safe, trustless trading environment. V2 is currently live on Arbitrum, providing users with low fees and quick transaction times, so try it out here, and let us know what you think!

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14 thoughts on “AMA: Cryptex Finance Introduces Cryptex V2 – Trade the Entire Crypto Market Cap with up to 20x leverage!”

  1. > that allows users to long or short crypto-native markets with up to 20x leverage!

    It’s amazing to me that we preach against these things non-stop in this sub, yet we have a sticked AMA with folks who will profit from those among us who will inevitably lose their shirt to this 20x leverage.

    I’m not saying OP is wrong in creating solutions for gamblers because that’s their right, but as a community we shouldn’t be giving a spotlight to the very things that haunt this industry from under the surface.

    Well done mods. Well. F***ing. Done.

  2. How do you differentiate your service with the ones that are already established like Coinbase, Binance etc.?

    Besides the ongoing lawsuit of course. 👀

  3. If you were to put it in layman’s terms for people who are just glancing at your site, what would you say to get them interested in Cryptex as opposed to other similar services?

    1. What would you say has been your biggest achievement in 2023? And how does that fit into your roadmap going forward?
  4. What is an NFT Bluechip Index token supposed to be? NFTs are friggin’ wildcards all across the board. How can any of them be considered ‘bluechip’?

  5. Driving awareness of new crypto products and services in a bear market is tough. Many marketing channels label anything having to do with crypto as a restricted category. It’s a marketer’s worst dream especially when you’ve creating legitimate products that help our ecosystem in a new way. How are you getting around this? Where have you found success in driving awareness?

  6. What’s your take on the advantages (if any) of longing/shorting the total crypto MC vs. a single coin?

    This has definitely peaked my interests, I’ll check it out when I get to my PC.

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