Altcoin trading?

I’m in the US and see all these people posting about all these alt coins pumping that I’ve never heard of. I have no clue where to trade these coins for example COQ and PEPE. These coins are meme coins but still I have no idea where to trade them. Preferable on apps is that’s a possibility. A lil background is that I’ve only traded on Coinbase and am looking to expand my horizon a bit lol. Thankyou for everyone who can help.

6 thoughts on “Altcoin trading?”

  1. COQ is on AVAX. I personally used the site to convert Avax to COQ. The gas fees have been high so make sure you check that first. I did all this by connecting my Metamask Wallet to TraderJoexyz.

    Another option is downloading CORE for Avax. There you can stake and trade for meme coins etc.

  2. I learned about COQ through a friend who mentioned buying it at a 1M market cap. Now, it’s nearly 200M, if I’m not mistaken. I’m not sure if he sold it. I advised him to consider long-term gems like DUA, where the smart wallet is still in open beta. Account Abstraction is also gaining traction.

  3. If you are really want to trade shit coins or alts:
    Shitcoins can even become alt coins such as BONK is listed on Binance.

    Wallets – Chain – Charts – Exchange
    Metamask – BSC – Poocoin – Pancakeswap

    Metamask – Ethereum – Dxtools – Uniswap

    Phantom – Solana – Dxtools – Raydium

    Keplr – INJ – Dxtools/Coinhall – Astroport

    Eternl – ADA – Taptools – Milkswap/Wingrider

  4. Note mods Removed my post on DEX saying banned websites. Posted on minds hope it is visible.

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